Where I am concerned, wait and see or not at all

JC was also "coached a lot" in the off-season (by an NFL guy I believe) about throwing mechanics and QB play. In the results, I think he looked quite tight the following season.

It was also noticed on tv that Stanzi and Ferentz looked like they were disagreeing about something.

Drew Tate admitted he was not always a fan of the playcalling in certain situations.

I would tend to agree our problems are not deep with Stanzi, but in that same sense will Stanzi have the precision and mojo to get things done when the team needs him to do it like he did last year? Is this 2010 version going to be better than 2009?

Stanzi maybe called upon quite a bit this year as we appear to have got very thin at RB. He may need to play like Tate 04 and that is going to take some gun slinging on his part. He is going to have to make some plays and not eat sacks in the pocket. And, that may require some of the Reckless Rick from last year.

I'll reserve judgement there. He was facing TREMENDOUS pressure late. But if he gets tight in another close game or two, when the defense isn't getting THAT kind of pressure, then I'll say you're on to something. I still believe that Rick is still Slingin' Dick at heart, and it will show more than once this season.
Quoting another poster:
"It is one thing to lose a game playing your style of football, but Iowa did not even have an identity last night. I spent most of the night thinking to myself "What team is this, and why are they wearing Iowa's uniforms?

It is one thing to lose a game; it is quite another to lose your entire identity in the process. I didn't even feel like I was watching an Iowa football team last night.

That is what troubles me more than anything else. From the coaches to the players, everyone appeared to panic and not trust the system that they seemed to have incredible confidence in last season."

My reply:
"I was totally (and I mean totally) sure of what we "had" this year....a senior laden, talented, battle-tested team which won at MSU, Wisky, ISU and PSU last year and dismantled GT on a neutral field. And a coaching staff who seemed to have put together the perfect storm this year.

Instead, as you said, I was watching something completely different than even the week before. A shell of itself. It looked like Iowa's uniforms, and the same numbers, but the effort was from somebody else.

I was shocked. Truly shocked."

I still am at what I saw. 2004 or 2006? Which team will show up? The mere fact I have these doubts concern me.
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Now my concern is the lack of running back depth. With news that Hampton may be out for a while, does this mean that PAki takes the 2 spot? or do we see rodgers move over from fullback? Or do we use the fullbacks more? Or do we see someone else step up? I know the plans are to redshirt coker this year. but could he play if needed this year?

i just don't see A-Rob carying the whole load this season.
But what about holding the ball too long/indecision? In prior years indecision wasn't the problem, it was making the wrong decision. An over-reaction could be holding the ball too long for fear of making a mistake.

For the record, I think Stanzi's been fine, but I'm interest in your take.

It looked like to me that those 4 sacks came so fast and so many that he had no time to react. he didn't even look for recievers. All he could see was the AZ 9 coming at him like a frieght train. i think i would have tried a trick play of sorts. Maybe, once satnzi got the ball, a flip out to mcnutt, who maybe would have just enough time to find DJK or sandaman down field, while the defenders were still bearing down on stanzi. Just a thought.
Not sure I'm saying anything new here, but...

#1--I bought into the NC hype this year, which I never do (see my avatar). This was based upon last year's run, who was returning, our home schedule, etc. This is our best team IMO since 1985. I really really hate to see this dashed only 3 games into the season.

#2--I don't get the deer-in-the-headlights effort on Saturday. Cripes, last year we go to Wisky, PSU, MSU, ISU and win. We were down by 10 at both Wisky and PSU and didn't panic. We simply reverted to our brand of football and won going away both times. Same way versus Indiana at home. We played our best conference game of the season (in a losing effort) @ OSU. Why why why then do we go to a relatively small stadium and act like we've never done this before? And with all the seniors from last year?? And on national TV.

#3--I don't mind losing if we play well and just get beat (@ OSU), but MAN, I hate losing when we poop down our leg. Especially the special teams.

#4--We rarely have the press's positive attention and the game further cemeted people's attitudes about IOWA and our program. (and not in a good way) If you don't think so, explain why we dropped 10 spots in the polls today?

We went into panic mode as far as I'm concerned on Saturday. The loss hurt on many fronts.
Not sure I'm saying anything new here, but...

#1--I bought into the NC hype this year, which I never do (see my avatar). This was based upon last year's run, who was returning, our home schedule, etc. This is our best team IMO since 1985. I really really hate to see this dashed only 3 games into the season.

#2--I don't get the deer-in-the-headlights effort on Saturday. Cripes, last year we go to Wisky, PSU, MSU, ISU and win. We were down by 10 at both Wisky and PSU and didn't panic. We simply reverted to our brand of football and won going away both times. Same way versus Indiana at home. We played our best conference game of the season (in a losing effort) @ OSU. Why why why then do we go to a relatively small stadium and act like we've never done this before? And with all the seniors from last year?? And on national TV.

#3--I don't mind losing if we play well and just get beat (@ OSU), but MAN, I hate losing when we poop down our leg. Especially the special teams.

#4--We rarely have the press's positive attention and the game further cemeted people's attitudes about IOWA and our program. (and not in a good way) If you don't think so, explain why we dropped 10 spots in the polls today?

We went into panic mode as far as I'm concerned on Saturday. The loss hurt on many fronts.

you are right, nothing new here
Great article and analysis!

Lots of debby downers just looking for people to blame, unfortunately.

We still are the Hawks and we still have a lot of good things to come this season!

Go Hawks! - hawkeyetob
I have settled down considerably since early Sunday morning.
A couple things I still don't quite understand:
-Yes we got down big, early. But that is just that...early. Even tho we were down by 21 points in the first half, I still don't see the reason for totally abandoning the running game. We still had 30+ minutes to play. We passed every play there for a while.
-Why would the refs continue to let Stoops rant and rave like a lunatic. Unsportsmanlike conduct? I was yelling at him to shut up!!! (From my living room)
I have settled down considerably since early Sunday morning.
A couple things I still don't quite understand:
-Yes we got down big, early. But that is just that...early. Even tho we were down by 21 points in the first half, I still don't see the reason for totally abandoning the running game. We still had 30+ minutes to play. We passed every play there for a while.
-Why would the refs continue to let Stoops rant and rave like a lunatic. Unsportsmanlike conduct? I was yelling at him to shut up!!! (From my living room)

I don't think Stoops was necessarily yelling at the officials; just as many times he could be seen yelling at one of his assistants or a player.

Also, not that it really matters, but does anyone remember what conference those officials were from? You'd think Big 10, but that crew lost control - or seemed to lose control - of the game for a period of time in the 3rd quarter.
I don't think Stoops was necessarily yelling at the officials; just as many times he could be seen yelling at one of his assistants or a player.

Also, not that it really matters, but does anyone remember what conference those officials were from? You'd think Big 10, but that crew lost control - or seemed to lose control - of the game for a period of time in the 3rd quarter.
Marc Morehouse mentioned on twitter that the refs were going to be Pac-10 refs for Saturday's game. The Iowa-Arizona contract called for the home team conference refs.
If a team is a reflection of their coach then I would say the AZ team played much like their coach's demeanor on the sidelines this evening. Actually I could imagine Stoops being in "super hype" all week for this game.

They certainly had a number of things in place to serve as motivation........playing a ranked Top 10 team on their home field, national TV audience to display their legitimacy, last chance for payback for last year's loss, Stoops possibly circling this game on the schedule for quite some time, etc.

You can point to many things that contributed to our loss. I believe you could add to the list that the Wildcats came to this game with a little more fire in the belly than did our Hawks. Last year we could count on Angerer to get in the face of players at times to get "motivated". Maybe it was there Sat. night but I didn't see any Angerers out there stirring up the pot.

I'm sure Ferentz best knows how to manage these players as they seemed to respond to similar circumstances last year when they trailed but the AZ team just seemed to be at a higher octane level from the get go in my opinion.

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