Where does Iowa stand academically


Well-Known Member
in the big ten?? just got off the phone with my brother-n-law (illini fan)and he said that he read that the illini were far ahead of us academically and that mizzou was just a couple of schools behind us.....I find it hard to believe anybody got the stats?
in the big ten?? just got off the phone with my brother-n-law (illini fan)and he said that he read that the illini were far ahead of us academically and that mizzou was just a couple of schools behind us.....I find it hard to believe anybody got the stats?

Is this how an illini fan reacts when Zook throws their football team off of the Sears tower and the basketball team is slippin.... to the NIT.
They should rank higher than us. They charge a LOT more to go there. It is the same amount for in-state Illinois that we charge for out-of-state tuition for students FROM Illinois. They are much more expensive. That should get you something.

In all honesty, I am not sure if it is quite that way now (though I think it still is pretty close to that), but when I was at Iowa from 1983-1987 it literally was the same amount for someone from Illinois to come to Iowa as it was for them to stay in-state and go to Illinois.
Iowa has been much higher in recent past, but state financing and the goal of keeping tuition affordable has impacted the Universities in Iowa. The state of Illinois is basically insolvent. It is in the same boat as California. The University of Illinois is going to face major cuts and tuition increases are coming again. Keep this in mind, two Iowa Alums lead Big Ten Universities, Mary Sue Coleman at Michigan and now Michael Hogan (Masters) at Illinois. Iowa has a number of nationally ranked colleges, i.e. the Tippie College of Business.
Iowa does a good job with what they have. A lot of the rankings of universities are based on admission numbers. As Iowa has far less in-state students and they take the top half of graduating classes, they have much lower admission standards than Illinois.

Several programs at Iowa rank along with what they have at Illinois. However, Iowa will never be able to catch up to schools like Cal, Illinois, Michigan, UCLA, etc., in these rankings because of the admission numbers.
Illinois is academically a better school than Iowa when measured in terms of entrance scores, etc. I would guess that Iowa and MSU are at the bottom of the B10 in terms of undergrad academics, but a large function of that is the fact Iowa is a small state and the pool of kids taking the entrance exams is much smaller. Plus, in Iowa, you have two choices of fairly good, big schools, which further dilutes Iowa's academic standing.

But when you look at really matters, I have found a strong inverse correlation between looks and ACT scores in females between the ages of 18 and 22. The girls in Iowa City destroy the girls in Evanston and Champaign and it ain't even close. Like my buddy from Naperville says "The smart girls from Naperville go to Illinois, the hot ones go to Iowa and Indiana." And hell, look at the chicks in the SEC, whose entrance exam scores make Iowa look like Princeton. Good gravy.
Though I am born/raised in Iowa, I did spend two weeks at a college prep thing at the U of Illinois the summer before I started college at the U of Iowa (1995), and I was wowed by the size of the campus, the great new buildings they had, the scope and depth of the programs the offered. They also had computers running Mosaic to see this thing called the Internet. It was freaking awesome. I've never knocked the academics at Illinois after that. If it wasn't so damned expensive (especially for out-of-state), I'd likely have gone there.

However, I still hope their sports teams never win another game in any sport, ever!
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It was always common knowledge in college that the most the chicago area kids were here, because they couldn't get in at Illinois. So I'm not surprised by this.
It was always common knowledge in college that the most the chicago area kids were here, because they couldn't get in at Illinois. So I'm not surprised by this.

Exactly. Most of the Chicago kids I knew said they came to Iowa because they couldn't get into Illinois, DePaul, NW, etc. Just keep going right on down the road basically.
Some one from NW must have miscalculated !!

Northwestern #12
Notre Dame #20
Michigan #27
Illinois #39
Wisconsin #39
PSU #47
OSU #53
Pitt #56
Syracuse #58
Purdue #61
Minnesota #61
Rutgers #66
Iowa #71
Indiana #71
Michigan St #71
Nebraska #96
Mizzou #106

*I'm an Iowa kid who got into Northwestern.

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