When will leftists cease their violent rhetoric?

The new example of corrupt media is calling Harris the boarder czar in the past and now saying she wasn't the boarder czar.

This guy talks about why elections are clearly rigged. I'd be curious to hear a counter argument on why they wouldn't or don't rig them.
When will Leftist cease their violent rhetoric?

My inclination is to think that violent people, regardless of their political leanings, have one or more personal grievances that they are obsessed over. They seek acceptance for their hedonistic behavior/s. When they do not get it they lash out and a compliant media seeks an audience for the injustice to the aggrieved identity group.

I don't claim to be an authority on language, but I see the use of many words that are triggers. Take the word "Ban" and how it was used in the controversy surrounding gender materials in government schools. When some adults felt the material were not age appropriate or met the definition of Porn they were labeled as book "Baners". Logically, you could or can buy those "Banned" gender materials at almost any book store or from Amazon. Yet, the Left insisted on promoting the idea that parents of children were cruel and phobic for protecting their children.

Earlier someone mentioned that the Left (Networks, Cable Channels and Print) was using the word "weird" universally to describe J D Vance and some others on the right. It struck me as not unusual, since this has long been a technique employed by the leftist media. The obvious intent is to destroy the reputation of individuals they claim are "weird".

At this point I don't see anyway that violent or covert rhetoric will cease. Cable News Stations and Legacy Newspapers all come with an agenda headed up by the editors. There are no grownups at toxic newsrooms.