When Iowa led 24 - 7, did you think

I didn't think it was over. I knew they needed one more TD at that time against those bastards. I've seen Nebraska come back too many times, and seen us **** down our legs too many times. Huge missed opportunity when Rudock missed Powell.
Nope, I actually told my brother we needed to go up 4 scores.

As soon as they got within 10, I fully believed we would lose. It's an awful feeling, and the reason I am now for a change. These type of meltdowns are becoming commonplace.

F'N nebby. Hawks let me down and it sucks.
it was over? I just want to find out how many Hawk fans thought this game was over at 24 - 7, especially after last week.

I was was really hoping Nebby would give up, but at the same time I new the Hawks go into ultra conservative mode when ever we have a lead. That exact thing happened as soon as we went conservative, we had to punt for the first time in the game, the wheels came off the bus from that point on.
When it gets to the point the punter drops the snap then punts it off his own dude for a TD... Ya I thought it was over.
I absolutely thought we had the game won at that point. Our defense was smacking Nebraska around and on senior day I thought we would go out with a bang... Which I guess we ultimately did.
I thought it was over when Sherff had the ball running down the near sideline. I just envisioned him in hs high school days at Denison running with the ball in his hands, it's like second nature to him. I'm still not so sure that he got the ball lateraled to a teammate before he was out of bounds.
Nope, I actually told my brother we needed to go up 4 scores.

As soon as they got within 10, I fully believed we would lose. It's an awful feeling, and the reason I am now for a change. These type of meltdowns are becoming commonplace.

F'N nebby. Hawks let me down and it sucks.
I hate them with the fire of a billion Suns. This hurts bad.
I told my father in law at the start of the third that we were going to find a way to lose the game. I also told him with 1:54 left to go in the fourth that we'd never stop them from scoring.
Sat there and said to 3 people in room who asked why I wasn't excited that we were on our way, I just knew that we needed 1 more score or they will find a way to give the game back....that we'd let up the gas and that if the game didn't end at the end of 3rd qtr, that we would probably lose. I don't think I truly fully believed it myself even, but I said it because you could just sense that GD and KF were going to do what it took to put the game in the defense's hands.

I wasn't even upset that it went to OT or that they lost....it's just what is now expected out of Iowa...it is like a wake, losing a good companion of many years, and then seeing them in their decline, and then it seems it is just over (as it was known).....very sad....I hope they have fun and do well at their bowl game, but I can assure you I could care less wherever and whoever they play...too bad.
The question is did the entire coaching staff think we had it won. Enough has been said about the offense, but I having a hard time trying figure out why Carl Davis, Drew Ott and LTP were all sitting out at the same time during Nebraska's drive toward the end of the third quarter and again on a drive in the 4th quarter. I understand needing give players a rest, but all three were out at the same time. Its been a real head scratcher for me and makes me wonder if the coaching staff thought they had it won.

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