Sat there and said to 3 people in room who asked why I wasn't excited that we were on our way, I just knew that we needed 1 more score or they will find a way to give the game back....that we'd let up the gas and that if the game didn't end at the end of 3rd qtr, that we would probably lose. I don't think I truly fully believed it myself even, but I said it because you could just sense that GD and KF were going to do what it took to put the game in the defense's hands.
I wasn't even upset that it went to OT or that they's just what is now expected out of is like a wake, losing a good companion of many years, and then seeing them in their decline, and then it seems it is just over (as it was known).....very sad....I hope they have fun and do well at their bowl game, but I can assure you I could care less wherever and whoever they play...too bad.