When does Ferentz move onto the Hot Seat?


Well-Known Member
I liken this situation to Mark Richt at Georgia. Underperformance on the field led (or forced) him to change D coordinators. After a difficult start, they are now playing well. I followed the situation closely, and the media scrutiny over two years was unbelievable. He made the change and they are playing great defense. I guess I can't figure out the collapses in the fourth quarter in our last 6-7 losses. Go back to last year...Arizona, Wisconsin, NW, OSU, Minnesota...then this year...Iowa State...and now Minnesota. Granted I know it's a team game and the offense bears some responsibility also, but it's uncanny how we can't stop teams at the end of games. Minus a Hyde interception, it would have been 8 for 8.

I know Ferentz plays the "we can't recruit with those guys, iowa just doesn't have the base for great recruiting, etc" but when is he forced to make some changes. I'm of the mind if 7-5 is ok, then that's all you will achieve.

I have to tell you, the Big Ten is much more interesting with the divisions and Nebraska. People are beating the crap out of eachother...and the games have been a blast to watch...minus the Minnesota game yesterday.
I like most Hawkeye fans I'm sure have been thinking about this, I'm not ready to through in the towel just yet but I must say I'm starting to think maybe its time to start asking some questions about the direction of the football program right now.
finishing 5-7 and going 6-6 next year will certainly put him there. we'll see though. i have a feeling that he owns Barta and the last thing Barta would do is put pressure on Kirk to make changes.
As soon as people stop buying tickets and donating along with the media members growing a pair of balls and start asking some tough questions at the press conferences instead of kissing his a$$.
As soon as people stop buying tickets and donating along with the media members growing a pair of balls and start asking some tough questions at the press conferences instead of kissing his a$$.
I understand what you are saying but I feel that would only make the problem worse by putting the university is a finacial position where its only option is to ride it out. I hate to say this (more then you know) but Neb fans didn't stop going to games or stop giving money to the team because they started losing.
finishing 5-7 and going 6-6 next year will certainly put him there. we'll see though. i have a feeling that he owns Barta and the last thing Barta would do is put pressure on Kirk to make changes.
Those finishes are not poor enough to light the fire.
And frankly all that really needs to happen is for Barta to say" look there is a pattern here and doing the same thing over and over again will get the same result, as it has. So show us you and your staff are trying to correct things or I'm sure there is another guy willing to take care of your annual $3 Mil check for you."
I haven't bought into the idea that KF is just comfortable and isn't under any kind of pressure at all but its hard to deny with as little attempt that has been made to make adjustments. The only other possiblity is he is just that driven to prove to everyone that he is right so he continue's to shoot himself in the foot.
As soon as people stop buying tickets and donating along with the media members growing a pair of balls and start asking some tough questions at the press conferences instead of kissing his a$$.

don't hold your breathe for the media to do that. You're pretty much done as a sports writer in the state of Iowa if you get blackballed by the hawkeyes. and thats the truth. All of those guys worry about losing exclusivity, interviews, etc. thats why the gargle the balls of the university for the most part

ferentz will get pressure from barta and/or the university (not just fans) when you start seeing empty seats at kinnick and donors become reluctant to open up their check books.
Those finishes are not poor enough to light the fire.
And frankly all that really needs to happen is for Barta to say" look there is a pattern here and doing the same thing over and over again will get the same result, as it has. So show us you and your staff are trying to correct things or I'm sure there is another guy willing to take care of your annual $3 Mil check for you."
I haven't bought into the idea that KF is just comfortable and isn't under any kind of pressure at all but its hard to deny with as little attempt that has been made to make adjustments. The only other possiblity is he is just that driven to prove to everyone that he is right so he continue's to shoot himself in the foot.

maybe Kirk really is that stubborn. but my money is that Barta won't come down hard on the breadwinner. we'll never know if they have a conversation like that, though.
If we want change in the program, it's going to be up to US to make that change happen. The university won't do a thing because Ferentz has them by the balls. But if enough people threaten to withdraw their support, they will be forced to do something. Think about it.
Not for a while for several reasons:
1. His buyout would be too big. What worries me is if we win 10 games in 2013 and he gets another extension and then we predictably have another valley and we are in the same boat again.

2. The program is making good money and selling out Kinnick. However, this would still happen if we had a different coach.

3. Were "just Iowa". This garbage line of thinking I hear every year we are bad. We should all be grateful we win any games because we are a development program. Then Miller puts some statistics out about our historical winning%, well I dont accept that and never will. If you aim for the status quo thats all you will get. However, far too many fans but into this.
maybe Kirk really is that stubborn. but my money is that Barta won't come down hard on the breadwinner. we'll never know if they have a conversation like that, though.
Oh yeah you will! Because you'll see it on the field.
KF has alot of positives going for him that is for sure but he also has some hang ups that he needs to self reflect upon and see them for what they are.
One of the hardest things to do for anyone is look in the mirror and be honest about whats really there in front of you.
Its never too late to change as long as its before you get fired.
The only way KF goes anywhere is if he decides to do it himself. Perhaps the Eagles putting Andy Reid on the hot seat will help a little bit. I think I could see him wanting that job pretty badly.

However, if Norm decides to retire then maybe things can change on D. I like that we rely on sound fundamentals (which have failed a bit this year) but I would love to see some more blitzing and scheming on D.
The only way KF goes anywhere is if he decides to do it himself. Perhaps the Eagles putting Andy Reid on the hot seat will help a little bit. I think I could see him wanting that job pretty badly.

However, if Norm decides to retire then maybe things can change on D. I like that we rely on sound fundamentals (which have failed a bit this year) but I would love to see some more blitzing and scheming on D.

I never understood how putting a LB on a much faster WR in the slot is a sound fundamental and yet we do it all the time.
As soon as people stop buying tickets and donating along with the media members growing a pair of balls and start asking some tough questions at the press conferences instead of kissing his a$$.

IMO this is the only way Kirk gets on the hot seat outside of a USC/OSU type situation in which Iowa gets put on probation. And that is not going to happen. Kirk isn't a cheater.
In years past, I have been quick to put blame on coaches for bad performances (last year @ Minny comes to mind).

Yesterday's performance is a reflection of bad D personnel, lack of ST preparation, playing with no emotion in a game we simply needed to get bowl eligible (long November coming up!), and a DISGUSTING inability to put inferior teams away early when you get the chance, which only compounds itself with our vanilla schemes that are way too easy to gameplan against. I guess I put more of yesterday's blame on a pretty average personnel group that is below Big Ten standards. But I guess the blame still falls back on the coaching staff because they are the ones that recruited so poorly of late. Coaching staff is always quick to point out that "we are only Iowa, poor Iowa, tough to recruit to" rhetoric that I simply roll my eyes at. Until we eliminate that crutch, I guess nothing will change. We'll go 7-5 a lot, sprinkle in a good 2009 where we get some luck fall our way, every 10-15 years will go on a good run with superior talent (2002-2004), otherwise pretty mediocre but the administration can point to a bunch of bowl games (worthless for the most part), my wallet and my neighbors wallet remains open and everyone seems happy.

KF referenced fat cats back in 2005, I think we still have fat cats, but now they are in the coaching staff and think the majority of the assistants need to go, not because they are not capable but rather because we need some fresh perspective and flush out some CONTENT attitudes that have developed over the years...
I think it really depends on how we finish the year up. Split November and win a bowl, he's as safe as safe can be. Throw an oh-for in November and it is going to be scalding at the end of this year from both the media and the fans.
If we go winless the rest of this year, kirk will have some pressure next year to perform. If we go two years in a row with no bowl would be the first time the seat would actually become hot.

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