Whats your thoughts on Culver & Williams?


Well-Known Member
In my local newspaper last night,it stated that"Tar Heels coach Roy Williams was among those in attendance at Wells Fargo,watching from a suite with Iowa Governor Chet Culver. For some reason,that really doesn't sit very well with me. Lets let him come to our state every year and take our prize recruits. Lets let our governor wine and dine him and say" Great to have you here. None of our schools in My State need him". He just lost my vote!
Yeah, how dare Roy Williams prepare an Iowa kid for a shot at a good education, a great life and successful NBA career. He didn't kidnap these players, they chose what school they thought were best for them and it's hard to argue with any of their choices.
Yeah, how dare Roy Williams prepare an Iowa kid for a shot at a good education, a great life and successful NBA career. He didn't kidnap these players, they chose what school they thought were best for them and it's hard to argue with any of their choices.
Yeah, I'm sure a good education was Roy Williams first selling point to Barnes. It wasn't showing up at the airport in a limo with Michael Jordan in tow or anything like that.
Yeah, I'm sure a good education was Roy Williams first selling point to Barnes. It wasn't showing up at the airport in a limo with Michael Jordan in tow or anything like that.

Hey I'm just going off what Barnes said, if you're calling Harrison Barnes a liar, take that up with him not me.
I think the OP's question was more to the point of it being proper for the Iowa governor to host a Division 1 basketball coach in his luxury suite at the arena, especially a coach who is likely to swoop in from time to time to siphon off the cream of Iowa's prep basketball crop. Granted, UNC is not a direct rival of any Iowa team, at least on the floor. But should Iowa's governor be throwing out the welcome mat to out-of-state coaches who are bent on taking Iowa's best away from in-state programs? Would he welcome with open arms Tom Izzo or Matt Painter or Rick Barnes?

I'd be a little upset if I were the AD or head coaches of Iowa's main basketball schools. IMHO this is a bonehead move by Culver. Williams can sit in the cheap seats with the rest of the fans.
I don't particularly care for it, unless Chet also invited all the coaches from the Iowa schools who were at the tourney this week into his suite.
Now, if Culver had been talking to Williams about the expected coaching vacancy an hour and a half to the east, that might be something else ... :rolleyes:
Oh Good Lord, who cares? Here's an idea, upgrade the in-state programs at Iowa and Iowa State so our best kids will actually consider staying at home to play basketball.
How about instead of blaming Roy Williams for taking the best players in the state, you blame the people in the state for letting them leave?

What, is Roy supposed to avoid the best players for his team so he doesn't offend Iowa's feelings? Do you guys have any idea how foolish you sound? This is big boy basketball, not kiddy league at the YMCA.

As for the governor hosting Roy Williams. I have no problem with that. You know why? Because he's Roy Williams! I doubt if a better coach will ever walk into that building.
Oh Good Lord, who cares? Here's an idea, upgrade the in-state programs at Iowa and Iowa State so our best kids will actually consider staying at home to play basketball.
This is one of the things that ticks me off the most about the current state of the Hawkeye program. A talent like Harrison Barnes out of the state Iowa comes around, what, once a generation??? To have our program in such a sad state that the Hawks weren't even a blip on his radar screen is just disheartening.
Who cares?

Chet hosting him in a suite has absolutely nothing to do with our best in state talent leaving. I would pick a better reason to not vote for Chet, and there are many of them

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