What's bugging Andy

What criticism in this video is invalid? You have still yet to dispute even a single claim.
Joey, I am not going to waste a lot of time on this video because Fran is gone and I maintain this was a cheap shot at him as he moves on. Go ahead and defend the video, but get it through your head that Fran doesn’t care. Maybe big tough Andy should sit down face to face with Fran and voice his grievances.

I will say this in response to your position that I have not disputed a single claim. The journalist, and I use the term lightly, refuses to note that Fran was really successful in a variety of ways.

He attacked Fran with claims that Fran’s “character” was at the core of his outbursts. Maybe Andy should watch more BT coaches’ antics before he unloads on Fran. I don’t think Andy’s strong suit is mind reading in any event. Andy was clearly the one guilty of character assassination.

I also got a kick out of the claim that there was a “long list” of on the court negatives, then pointed to two examples. Hardly a long list. A favorite of jaded journalism where you are asked to provide the rest of the charges. Sort of like “etc”. Oh god! There must have been hundreds of failures. Or, everybody is saying!

Dolph’s hot mike screwup naming a kid he claimed to be useless, followed by likely an innocent mistake using the word gorilla in a bad light. So, says Andy, the suspensions were orchestrated by Fran and his wife. Good grief. Dolph could have been summarily fired. Instead, Andy anointed him as “a beloved fan favorite.” All Fran ‘s fault.

OK. Enough already. I would suggest that Andy sit down with Fran’s players and unload his nonsense on them. No guts, no glory. Then Andy should watch all of Fran’s post game interviews. Maybe he would learn something.
Joey, I am not going to waste a lot of time on this video because Fran is gone and I maintain this was a cheap shot at him as he moves on. Go ahead and defend the video, but get it through your head that Fran doesn’t care. Maybe big tough Andy should sit down face to face with Fran and voice his grievances.

I will say this in response to your position that I have not disputed a single claim. The journalist, and I use the term lightly, refuses to note that Fran was really successful in a variety of ways.

He attacked Fran with claims that Fran’s “character” was at the core of his outbursts. Maybe Andy should watch more BT coaches’ antics before he unloads on Fran. I don’t think Andy’s strong suit is mind reading in any event. Andy was clearly the one guilty of character assassination.

I also got a kick out of the claim that there was a “long list” of on the court negatives, then pointed to two examples. Hardly a long list. A favorite of jaded journalism where you are asked to provide the rest of the charges. Sort of like “etc”. Oh god! There must have been hundreds of failures. Or, everybody is saying!

Dolph’s hot mike screwup naming a kid he claimed to be useless, followed by likely an innocent mistake using the word gorilla in a bad light. So, says Andy, the suspensions were orchestrated by Fran and his wife. Good grief. Dolph could have been summarily fired. Instead, Andy anointed him as “a beloved fan favorite.” All Fran ‘s fault.

OK. Enough already. I would suggest that Andy sit down with Fran’s players and unload his nonsense on them. No guts, no glory. Then Andy should watch all of Fran’s post game interviews. Maybe he would learn something.
Dolph said king Kong, not gorilla.
The problem is, if you don't like a slow style, WVU was 301 in possessions per game. Either way it's going to be slow.
I hope this isn't true as we will be going back to a Lickliter type of offense. Now maybe it would work better with better players. When your center is a 6'5" guy for Lickliter seeing the taller guys under Fran's system was refreshing to see. Would have been even better if our guys were better at blocking out underneath our own basket.

Then there is the defensive side of things and not too many fans can say we weren't lacking there. That definitely needs to improve. Even though I had frustrations over some of the things I saw under Fran I think he was the best coach we had after Mr. Davis was let go. Interestingly enough Mr. Davis liked to use a lot of players just like Fran did.

At the end of the day I wish Fran, his wife, and his kids nothing but the best moving forward. If Fran doesn't jump right into another job I hope he can find a lot of time to be a part of enjoying his kid's time over at Butler.

I hope we get a great coach moving forward. I think whomever we get will not bring the offensive style that Fran brought to Iowa City. I do also think that we should see more success on the defensive side of the ball. Beth is going to be judged by what she does here. Soon enough she will have a bigger fish to FRY with replacing Kirk on the football side of things. Kirk should be retired before our new basketball coach possible moves on. I would assume we are looking at least four or more years from our new basketball coach if he doesn't crash and burn like Todd did. . Will Kirk be around for another four or five years. Personally I don't think so, but anything is possible.

I am not sure how you would classify either program at this point. Unless Tim open up some kick ass offensive success I would say we likely won't see Kirk finish in the top four again if we stick to the same style that we have now in football.

One of these days the powers that be in the B1G are going to realize you can't just have Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State and Oregon hogging all the lime light in the conference year after year. Fourteen teams is a large fan base to be disengaged during the fall. That's why they need to go to at least three or four divisions to keep the average middle of the conference programs fan bases engaged.
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