what the heck Jon

and yes I know you had a replacement

So if you know he had a replacement (who runs Cyclonefanatic.com) and you know Jon is on vacation (well kind of on vacation) then why are you asking Jon? You already know he isn't there so he didn't talk all Cyclone stuff, Deace and Chris Williams did.
Why would you waste your time posting this. I am not a Cyclone fan myself but comment something that has some actual relevance. Waste of time my friend.
I could even handle all the clone talk but when they spoke for twenty minutes about how good one of them smelled, I changed the station. Looking forward to having Jon back on Monday.
Hey, he's better than sportstalkmatt. That guy is such a hater.

(come on, take the bait, Matt... we haven't had a good sportstalkmatt thread in awhile...)
Why would you waste your time posting this. I am not a Cyclone fan myself but comment something that has some actual relevance. Waste of time my friend.

Yeah because I'm being COMPLETELY serious with this thread. I'm never listening to KXNO again because they talked about Iowa State today. There was no intent to joke behind this topic.

Yeah because I'm being COMPLETELY serious with this thread. I'm never listening to KXNO again because they talked about Iowa State today. There was no intent to joke behind this topic.


So what channel is KXNO, does Cedar Rapids get that channel. What time does it air
Yeah because I'm being COMPLETELY serious with this thread. I'm never listening to KXNO again because they talked about Iowa State today. There was no intent to joke behind this topic.


That's what I did. Well not KXNO but Miller and Deace. BARF!!!
kxno is 1460 am. the show is on 6-8am. not sure if it can be had in CR. it can over the internet.

BTW, Jon warned us last week that there would probably be lots of clone talk this week. I think the only reason we did not get more, was due to the fact of the iowa coach hire. deace and willaims couldn't really ignore it. as much as they would like to have .
Any Hawk fan that listened to Deace & Williams for any extended period of time should have their man card revoked.
I listened to about 15 minutes on my way into work this morning. I didn't mind a little insight into ISU football.

I can handle Deace, he seems to be pretty straight forward with all things Iowa and Iowa State. Chris Williams just oozes ISU homer, so, yeah. Hard to listen to him for very long.
The bad thing about Deace and Williams is that no matter what Deace said Williams agreed with him. It was like Deace had a puppy with him all week. Another thing I thought that was messed up was is that they were talking like Barta should be gone, but Pollard is the savior of the entire world.