What stings the most...

You look at Iowa, and we aren't flashy. That is completely on the coaches. I would argue in 2002-2004 we seemed to be "sexy". 2002 our offense could score on anyone. 2003 and 2004 we beat the crap out of teams.

That showed up in recruiting, with the 2005 class being a top 10.

Then something changed. Don't know if it was all the legal problems in the 2006-2009 teams or what, but we shut everything down and became one of the most boring teams ever. While we don't have the best talent, it's pretty useless in our schemes. Unless we have a QB playing out of his mind, or an NFL running back running out of his mind.....we sit in the 80-100th rankings for offense

We should be able to use the fact that if you start on our OL, DL, LB, and CB you will probably make an NFL camp at the very least. We are an NFL factory, and for the positions I listed above, we should be much better on O and D than we are. If we're getting better recruits on the OL and DL, that makes both sides of the ball so much better.....and allows us to do what KF wants....Ball control, defense

Instead we have an OL that has multiple WalkOns starting, and a defense that has a WalkOn starting one of our most important positions, FS.

What stings me is the fact that this staff, until recently, has showed no desire to recruit. 2017 class looks decent, but if we continue to sink, it'll be hard to keep everyone.
Greenwood was a walk-on. Tanner Miller almost had to walk-on (got the last scholly) so our FS being a walkon has never bothered me and Snyder will be a good one. He's taking a few lumps, but it's not all on him. Just like I referred to our first punt against NW when we only had 10 guys on the field, that's the way I feel about our defense this year....like we are playing with 10 guys on the field, as we seem to have one guy blow an assignment way too many times...and it's been EVERYONE at one time or another........
CJ was just that much better last year and willing to lay everything on the line, every play but that has taken it's toll. Also, the OL is about the worst in 15 years and the defense is vastly underperforming. CJ at 100% would have made up for all that though.

yes i agree with this totally. ndsu, rutgers,North western CJ WAS MEH at best

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