What should reasonable expectations be?

But do we still expect to beat PSU 8 out of 9 times?

I think it is amazing that we beat PSU all of those times. Also, we rarely, if ever, beat tOSU. It's just one of those things, I guess.

I'm thankful for the program. This team is annoying, because I was present in Tucson, Evanston, and Minneapolis, as well as the home games. So, I care, and put money into it. Money isn't important, but it's nice to see effort.

My expectation is that they beat Northwestern at least half the time. Is that so much to expect.

Also, with many reasons to play, the team really appeared flat to me. I watched them come out, warm up, play in a rather listless fashion, rally a bit, and then lose. Very familiar to those of us who saw them in person all year. yawn.

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