What position did you play in high school?


Well-Known Member
Maybe this would be better in the off topic forum, but I know a lot of people shy away from there. With my son's football practice starting this week and the season just around the corner, I got to thinking about what position guys on the boards played in high school. I wondered if we had more of one position then another, or if most of us were skill position players, lineman, etc.

I played QB and CB, playing at a smaller school we were pretty much an Ironman squad and played our best athletes on both sides of the ball.
i played tight end and defensive end. my wife says i still could play one of those positions.
My dad always said I should have been end, guard and tackle. Sit on the end of the bench, guard the water, and try to tackle anyone who gets close to it.
Can you imagine having two a days in 70 degree weather? It seemed like when we had ours it was already in the nineties at 8 in the morning.
Here's some smalltown for ya...oline/dline AND punter. Quite the combo eh!??! Also had the strongest arm on the team with 62 yd pass in our 'Olympics.' Just call me Uncle Rico....
Here's some smalltown for ya...oline/dline AND punter. Quite the combo eh!??! Also had the strongest arm on the team with 62 yd pass in our 'Olympics.' Just call me Uncle Rico....

If only you could go back....you'd take state.
I was moved around on offense some. Sophomore year WR and Junior/Senior years FB. Small school too, so I also played safety.

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