What % of us criticizing referees???


Well-Known Member
Criticizing referees is something that many of us often do. The times I do are usually when I favor one team and the calls seem to be going against them. I understand that, and the rational behind it. We are not looking at the situation in an unbiased way. But I digress. My main reason for starting this thread, was to ask what percentage of the most critical here have ever had a whistle around their neck and actually officiated a game? I have, and though not a lot of times, enough to realize the difference between officiating the game, and watching a game either live or on TV. On TV, with the DVR we can back track and run plays over and over (in slow motion if we wish), and if the call is at all questionable, the guys doing the announcing often run it back also. I guess my whole point here is that being a referee is extremely difficult, and they are going to make mistakes, and who amongst us can say we don’t make mistakes? Things like charging vs. blocking are “judgmentâ€￾ calls, not necessarily right or wrong. ‘nuff said.
Yes, I have in several sports and no one ever told me it was easy.
And difficult isn't an acceptable excuse at my job so why is it a good one for Ref's?
I have witness FAR too many times where officials are biased and they are in no way hiding what they are doing. I have in fact seen them and had them tell me directly that it is what is happening and its just the way it is.
The shear idea that most entities promote the notion that Ref's are not to be questioned plays a large part in the problem as well as the lack of responsibility to do the job as it is expected to be done.
You know how players have frustration fouls. Refs do the same thing if they think they are being disrespected. I usually dont complain too much, but the UNI game this year the refs were not going to let Iowa play basketball. There is always something to ***** about, but you can tell when refs are out to get a team. I dont think it happens very often but I do think the refs in the UNI game had it out for Iowa for some reason.
I went to a high school where refs openly tried to work against us. more then one crew was banned from working our games in multiple sports.
Yes, I have in several sports and no one ever told me it was easy.
And difficult isn't an acceptable excuse at my job so why is it a good one for Ref's?
I have witness FAR too many times where officials are biased and they are in no way hiding what they are doing. I have in fact seen them and had them tell me directly that it is what is happening and its just the way it is.
The shear idea that most entities promote the notion that Ref's are not to be questioned plays a large part in the problem as well as the lack of responsibility to do the job as it is expected to be done.

Agreed....I wish a coach could question refs sometimes after games, without fear of being suspended...fined...or worse...losing their jobs. I think freedom of speech works here...they should be allowed to speak their minds on if a ref...or refs just call a crap game.
or here is one why shouldn't the refs be questioned by the media after the game? if so you might see a better officiated game be cause the coaches do not have freedom of speech to talk about officiating after a game.
or here is one why shouldn't the refs be questioned by the media after the game? if so you might see a better officiated game be cause the coaches do not have freedom of speech to talk about officiating after a game.

Yes, I have in several sports and no one ever told me it was easy.
And difficult isn't an acceptable excuse at my job so why is it a good one for Ref's?
I have witness FAR too many times where officials are biased and they are in no way hiding what they are doing. I have in fact seen them and had them tell me directly that it is what is happening and its just the way it is.
The shear idea that most entities promote the notion that Ref's are not to be questioned plays a large part in the problem as well as the lack of responsibility to do the job as it is expected to be done.

Hey. this is why I asked the question. I need to ask, in what situations have these situations occured? Please give us specific examples, teams and dates. You are accusing officials of blatent bias as they officiate games, and I believe that is bull****! Please explain your charges and justify, if you can, the allegations you have made.
I don't buy the whole "it's difficult" excuse. I understand that reffing a sport is difficult, but isn't that what they are supposed to be very good at? If it was easy then anyone could do it, but these guys get paid very well to do their job and they are supposed to excel at it.

I don't complain about refs unless they are inconsistent. I can handle a ref making a bad call here and there or getting something wrong occasionally or even if they are calling the game in a way that I dislike..... AS LONG as they are consistent. I can't stand when something gets called at one end... and then isn't called on the other. If you are going to call hand-checking... you better call it every time on both ends. If it is a foul - you call it.
I don't complain about refs unless they are inconsistent. I can handle a ref making a bad call here and there or getting something wrong occasionally or even if they are calling the game in a way that I dislike..... AS LONG as they are consistent. I can't stand when something gets called at one end... and then isn't called on the other. If you are going to call hand-checking... you better call it every time on both ends. If it is a foul - you call it.

^this is the main beef of most fans. Example, mid-way through the second half of last nites Kansas-OSU semifinal game there was a battle under the boards that had multiple-multiple elbows, pushes, bumps and no foul was called. Then a little later there is a bump 30 feet from the basket and a foul is called. Excuse me but there had to be a foul in that first skirmish.

And actually I am starting to hate all the grabbing by defenders that goes on as players move around screens or make back cuts. You foul a few guys out and this will stop.
I have and big 10 basketball officials are the f'n worst. its disgusting how much they let their egos get in the way instead of calling the game. They aren't consistent at all. for whatever reason they refuse to call what they see and choose to anticipate calls all the time. Good high school officials would do a better job than these ego driven fools. The Iowa Dayton game was the best officiated game all year and nobody's heard of any of those officials.
I've got a gut feel it's gonna be Dowling. Very strong persecution complex amongst the Maroons I've associated with... ;)

close but no ciggy. I attended Valley High School and it was terrible. I never really blamed them too much but their bias was obvious. See the state title game this for football. Even though they tried to keep us down, we still rise up :)
Hey. this is why I asked the question. I need to ask, in what situations have these situations occured? Please give us specific examples, teams and dates. You are accusing officials of blatent bias as they officiate games, and I believe that is bull****! Please explain your charges and justify, if you can, the allegations you have made.

Wow, don't ever question the refs around papat! If you think there was ONE game where there was poor officiating against you then he thinks you are full of ****! I'm not sure what's up papat's *** today.
Hey. this is why I asked the question. I need to ask, in what situations have these situations occured? Please give us specific examples, teams and dates. You are accusing officials of blatent bias as they officiate games, and I believe that is bull****! Please explain your charges and justify, if you can, the allegations you have made.
Not going to go into teams,names etc. thats silly to even ask.
I am accusing officials of nothing because the events happened.
After having my eldest in competitive sports from age 9-21 I've seen alot and on many occasions there was absolutely no question bias was at work and three instances in particular where rules were completely disregarded with the explaination similar too "because I said so".
Most of the time the events were in Iowa High School events. The AAU ASA, and USSSA tournaments were typically much better.
Our club actually hosted an event in Iowa where the HS Umps were setup by others and they were evaluated by NCAA people for suitability for college work. It was truly amazing how some of our poorer officals were so vastly different at an event wher they were critiqued.
Being upset with officiating is a short term thing for me because it is normal for people to be bias we all do it. It still upsets me and it isn't right but it happens. No different than the jackholes in DC are supposed to be there working to our best interests and we all know that that is a bag of BS.