What kind of car just Vandenberg drive?

Yeah, with dad being a doctor, if infact he is driving a nice car don't be alarmed thinking we got a little OSU scam going on at a local dealership.
Seeing how for years so many players drive scooters- I would check the local scooter dealer if anything. Maybe scooter gate.
His father works as an ER doc in two different hospitals. Yeah, they are "well enough off." However, the last time I was through IC taking my son to the hospital we drove around the stadium and the football facility parking lot and we saw Vandenberg walking to his car. It was an old small pick-up. Nothing fancy.
Id like to see a OSU sports car/Iowa Moped type pic. Anyone want to take a stab at photoshopping that?
This question came up over on another site that I visit and the consensus is that JV drives an older model pickup. They described it as kind of a beater....
Start the investigation now...


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