What is 'Keeping a Drug House'?

in each post i found it necessary to defend DJK from the time that i knew him. ESPECIALLY "edhightower" who is obscenely assuming that this stems all the way back to when i knew him and hung out with him (regarding his assertion that DJK was in the "doghouse" for this all the way back to '08). But i was being proactive in saying that i will not tell who they were because i knew that would be the first question to be asked.
I believe keeping a drug house is a violation of Iowa Code section 124.402, which says:

1. It is unlawful for any person:
a. Who is subject to division III to distribute or dispense a
controlled substance in violation of section 124.308;
b. Who is a registrant, to manufacture a controlled substance
not authorized by the registration, or to distribute or dispense a
controlled substance not authorized by the registration to another
registrant or other authorized person;
c. To refuse or fail to make, keep or furnish any record,
notification, order form, statement, invoice or information required
under this chapter;
d. To refuse an entry into any premises during reasonable
business hours for any inspection authorized by this chapter; or
e. Knowingly to keep or permit the keeping or to maintain any
premises, store, shop, warehouse, dwelling, temporary, or permanent
building, vehicle, boat, aircraft, or other temporary or permanent
structure or place, which is resorted to by persons using controlled
substances in violation of this chapter for the purpose of using
these substances, or which is used for keeping, possessing or selling
them in violation of this chapter.
2. Any person who violates subsection 1 of this section, or who
acts with, enters into a common scheme or design with, or conspires
with one or more other persons to violate subsection 1 of this
section, is guilty of a public offense and upon conviction:
a. Of a violation of paragraphs "a", "b", "d", or "e"
shall be an aggravated misdemeanor.
b. Of a violation of paragraph "c" shall be a serious

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