What Impresses Me Most About Garza................


Well-Known Member
.......... and what I don't think many outside of Iowa get including many NBA scouts is Garza's work ethic or willingness to overcome a weakness in his game. The young man came out of high school not highly recruited from top Div 1 colleges. Many said he didn't run the court to well or that he was too slow rotating on defense. The guy puts up numbers from the center position that hadn't been done in 50 yrs of BIG 10 basketball and doesn't win the National Player Of The Year. NBA scouts still didn't think he was a first round draftee. WTF!! Don't they see his work ethic. We've seen it many times in the past, his father going over drills with him or Garza running stairs or working on his footwork in the post.

Garza is one of the smartest players I've seen in awhile. He now has a move for about any defending position on the post. He has a move where he actually ducks under the outstretched arm of a defender and gets that defender completely behind him. He was criticized for not running the floor very well. Even his father made a statement coming out of high school that, paraphrase "to measure Garza's speed getting down the floor one would need a calendar.", which is actually funny as F*#k!! So, what did the young Mr. Garza do, he changed his body, ran and conditioned, and last year and consistently beat everybody down the court, even fresh players.

What I respect most about Garza is his stubbornness to get better, his work ethic. I have 13 year old boys who play basketball and I can't stop using Garza as a role model and showing them what hard work can do. I only hope they take that from watching him. Nothing comes easy and takes hard work. If Garza has a weakness in his game he does something about it. If he has an area to improve, he puts in countless hours to improve it. This year he came back with a more consistent 3 pt shot and shooting around 50% I believe. He's worked to have a terrific overall game.

So, I am no NBA scout but I know I can see something in Garza that for some reason they cannot. This guy is a lottery pick in my eyes and I would draft him on a team if I were in that position. I would take that chance based on Garza's work ethic and willingness to improve and master his game. I know he's going to be successful at the next level based on that alone. Some team is going to draft a gem!
I am thinking that NBA scouts are waking up to his long range shooting ability..........that as much as anything will get him a serious opportunity. I recall the Celtics teams with Bird, Parish and McHale.....only because I see a lot of similar skill set.
I am thinking that NBA scouts are waking up to his long range shooting ability..........that as much as anything will get him a serious opportunity. I recall the Celtics teams with Bird, Parish and McHale.....only because I see a lot of similar skill set.

Yea, if Brad Lohaus and Les Jepsen can have a respectable NBA career, I don't see any reason why Garza shouldn't.
I am thinking that NBA scouts are waking up to his long range shooting ability..........that as much as anything will get him a serious opportunity. I recall the Celtics teams with Bird, Parish and McHale.....only because I see a lot of similar skill set.
This is exactly what could make him stick in the NBA.

When you hit the big leagues guys with Garza's size and strength are a dime a dozen. If you can shoot and move, then all of a sudden you've opened up new doors for yourself.
Now, that just motivated me to look at Brad and Les NBA stats, and while I would agree that Lohaus had a respectable NBA career, not so sure about Les........but at least he got a shot. And I see a lot more upside in Garza than either of the two.........I agree with your last observation that some NBA team will get a gem.
Big guys that can shoot.... Hmm you'd think that would be in high demand in the NBA that's turned into a volume 3 pt shooting contest. Even if he's not athletic enough to defend most NBA bigs his ability to stretch the floor has value. Just that alone. His toughness smarts and oh yeah his ability to play with his back to the basket. That's still a thing and happens to be his strongest ability. I'm not saying he'll be a super star like that Jokic guy in Denver that I'd compare him to but that should be his goal. And who the hell am I to say he can't do it?

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