What if?


Well-Known Member
Yah I know if only ifs and buts were candy and nuts the world would be a wonderful place. Hey it's the slow time of the year so what the heck. Here's the question, if Jackson were to commit to Iowa would you withdraw your offer to Washpun?

I could understand if Fran did in hopes of landing Carter or one of the other guards he is pursuing. This also would give Fran the option of recruiting two more BIGS.
I think if feels there is ANY shot at landing Olasani and Katenda he might. Pure speculation so who really knows. Things will start to unfold in the next few days I presume. It sounds like Washpun wants to decide something next week so it's not out of the question we could see 1 or even 2 commitments this week.
Fran has offered and if Wes wants the ride...it's his. The chances of both Olaseni and Katenda coming here are slim at best. I think our best case scenario is either Katenda or Olaseni, Washpun and Jackson or Hubbard. My feeling is we are looking at Washpun, Cougill and a name we don't know yet. But it's basketball recruiting so who the hell knows.
I hope we get a Fr guard- Carter/Stokes/Washpun, JUCO Jackson as he can play both guard spots and be an effective scorer, and a JUCO big man that physically ready to play defense and rebound.

There were a couple other names Mbodji? and Jurick that were mentioned in the past. Anyone know if there is mutual interest? I hope we do not get Cougill as I do not feel he warrants and believe that would a signal that we waived the white towel on recruiting this year.

I think guys like Hubbard and Katenda are players that offer similar attributes as player/recruits we have. Hubbard-swing player- and we have Gatens/Marble/May. Katenda-Similar attributes as McCabe/Basabe/White.

Anyone know if Oglesby can play any point. I know he is a good passer and great shooter, but do people feel he is strictly a 2?
Anyone know if Oglesby can play any point. I know he is a good passer and great shooter, but do people feel he is strictly a 2?

Ogelsby cannot play the point. He is a spot up shooter, and that is it. Think Bahwinkle 2.0. But he is a little more fluid and might hit a midrange runner or two.
You shant let CAAR's uneducated opinion bring you down. He is not Bawinkel 2.0. He is head and shoulders better of an all around ball player than Bawinkel.
Fran has offered and if Wes wants the ride...it's his. The chances of both Olaseni and Katenda coming here are slim at best. I think our best case scenario is either Katenda or Olaseni, Washpun and Jackson or Hubbard. My feeling is we are looking at Washpun, Cougill and a name we don't know yet. But it's basketball recruiting so who the hell knows.
There is no way Cougill will be a Hawk again. He couldn't take the style that Fran plays. He is not in the best of shape and could not run the floor. I actually think there is a good chance that both Olaseni and Katenda commit together.
Fran has offered and if Wes wants the ride...it's his. The chances of both Olaseni and Katenda coming here are slim at best. I think our best case scenario is either Katenda or Olaseni, Washpun and Jackson or Hubbard. My feeling is we are looking at Washpun, Cougill and a name we don't know yet. But it's basketball recruiting so who the hell knows.

I am pretty sure we aren't looking at Cougill at all. That is one of the few things I am certain about at this juncture of the recruiting process.
Think Gatens 2.0

Matt is WAYY stronger than Josh. Watch PTL this summer. Josh has no desire to mix it up inside with stronge players. Now some people would prefer Matt not do that as much, because he has some difficulty finishing. But if he can get fouled it is almost always good. If Josh gets to the line he will be good. But he is mostly a perimeter guy who will pass before driving.
With Meyer in the fold and likely Woody for the next class, I don't think we take both Katenda and Olasani. We need guys that are good with the ball and can shoot/score.
Matt is WAYY stronger than Josh. Watch PTL this summer. Josh has no desire to mix it up inside with stronge players. Now some people would prefer Matt not do that as much, because he has some difficulty finishing. But if he can get fouled it is almost always good. If Josh gets to the line he will be good. But he is mostly a perimeter guy who will pass before driving.

Well I would expect a soon-to-be senior in college to be stronger than an incoming freshman who plays the same position. If Oglesby adds some weight, then he can get inside a little and hopefully draw some fouls.

But he's much more athletic than Wink. Closer to Gatens.
Well I would expect a soon-to-be senior in college to be stronger than an incoming freshman who plays the same position. If Oglesby adds some weight, then he can get inside a little and hopefully draw some fouls.

But he's much more athletic than Wink. Closer to Gatens.

Okay, Matt was WAYY stronger than Josh when he was a senior. Seriously. Watch Josh in PTL. He will remind you of Bahwinkle more than you expect. He will look very little like Gatens. People think kid about the same height as Gatens in Iowa. Must be like Gatens. Way different game.

However, think about this, could Iowa use a kid who shoots the three like Bahwinkle?
I don't think a pure shooter would hurt Iowa at all. Even though I think long term Fran will not go with the guys that are one dimensional . Getting to the rim and playing off the dribble is more his cup of tea.
I don't know how often it is done nowadays, but Lute used to offer two or thee guys that he had slotted for one scholarship and the first one to take him up on the offer was the one he took. He let all of them know that those were the terms of his scholarship offer. He did that with Andre Banks and some other guard, but I can't remember who the other guard was.
Think Gatens 2.0

I don't know if I like that comparison. Gatens is stronger and wasn't known as a 3-point shooter in high school. I think Josh. O fills the traditional SG role much better, a taller Scott Christopherson from the Clones might be a good comparison.

Both are quicker than strong, and both are guys you don't want to give an open look.

Gatens is a good basketball player, but not necessarily a good SG. Josh is an excellent shooter and passer- so don't think one dimensional, but he is really skinny and can't really mix it up inside the perimeter like Gatens can.

But he will be a good player for Iowa, much better than Bawinkle.
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I don't know how often it is done nowadays, but Lute used to offer two or thee guys that he had slotted for one scholarship and the first one to take him up on the offer was the one he took. He let all of them know that those were the terms of his scholarship offer. He did that with Andre Banks and some other guard, but I can't remember who the other guard was.

This is pretty accurate we have more offers out than scholarships. So once one commits could change things.
I don't know if I like that comparison. Gatens is stronger and wasn't known as a 3-point shooter in high school. I think Josh. O fills the traditional SG role much better, a taller Scott Christopherson from the Clones might be a good comparison.

Both are quicker than strong, and both are guys you don't want to give an open look.

Gatens is a good basketball player, but not necessarily a good SG. Josh is an excellent shooter and passer- so don't think one dimensional, but he is really skinny and can't really mix it up inside the perimeter like Gatens can.

But he will be a good player for Iowa, much better than Bawinkle.

Notice I did say Bahwinkle 2.0. I don't mean clone. But you guys need to go back and look at Bahwinkle's recruiting info. Josh will have more of a midrange game than Bahwinkle had at Iowa.
I don't know how often it is done nowadays, but Lute used to offer two or thee guys that he had slotted for one scholarship and the first one to take him up on the offer was the one he took. He let all of them know that those were the terms of his scholarship offer. He did that with Andre Banks and some other guard, but I can't remember who the other guard was.

I think it was Ron Kellogg.

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