What if Leach Goes to Minny?


Well-Known Member
A classless coach to a classless athletic program. A perfect fit!

Unfortunately it might cause some issues for the Hawks if he does. While his style of offense would be difficult to run late in the year on the frozen tundra of the TCF Stadium, we won't likely be playing them in that late season time slot any longer. That type of offense has eaten our lunch for the past, oh, five years. And with one of our pathetic defensive co-coordinators likely to assume NP's role from here on out, it could play out poorly for us. Also, Leach's defenses, while not stellar, were competitive at TT.

For those thinking it unlikely that Leach would come to Minny, think again. He is a favorite among the goofer faithful here, and the type of name that might resurrect their program. Plus their future quarterback next year, Marquis Gray, fits his style of play very well. Also, few other schools are likely to yake a chanceon him with his current baggage - but Minny very well might.

Any thoughts?
It would be interesting to see if he could get his type of players to Minnesota. If he did, they would be a tough offense to deal with.

The problem with Minnesota long term is that will they pay for a top notch coach? Minnesota isn't a destination job. Mason flat out lobbied to get out of there when the OSU job was available.

They are going to have to A) find a coach who is tied to the program or state who will stay loyal & B) be willing to pay top dollar to keep him.
Help me understand why Leach is 'classless'?

Heard a former player discussing Leach on Minneapolis sports radio today. Don't recall his name, but he was very measured and obviously well-informed. Not a recent player but a guy who's been around and is still involved in college sports.

He's had the opportunity to review the formal complaints against Leach and said they're an absolute joke. Added that it was a shame, because Leach would be just what the Gophers need, and he's interested. But he's won't get a shot.
Heard a former player discussing Leach on Minneapolis sports radio today. Don't recall his name, but he was very measured and obviously well-informed. Not a recent player but a guy who's been around and is still involved in college sports.

He's had the opportunity to review the formal complaints against Leach and said they're an absolute joke. Added that it was a shame, because Leach would be just what the Gophers need, and he's interested. But he's won't get a shot.

I hope your right but they freakn landed Tubby. They can at least make a splash hire.
Leach is not going to Minny. I am up in MN and the University has shown zero interest in even talking to Mike Leach.

Leach has come out saying that he would be a good fit at Minny and the University just does not want to deal with possible baggage that would come with him.

Maturi (Minny AD) has absolutely dropped the ball on this hire. Their reasoning for firing Brewster mid-season was so they could get a head start on finding a coach and would have a leg up on all the other schools that would be making coaching changes once the season ended.

Newspapers and talk radio were expecting an announcement of a new coach either the day after the Iowa game or the Monday following the Iowa game. I honestly dont think they are close at all to hiring a coach.
Leach is not going to Minny. I am up in MN and the University has shown zero interest in even talking to Mike Leach.

Leach has come out saying that he would be a good fit at Minny and the University just does not want to deal with possible baggage that would come with him.

Maturi (Minny AD) has absolutely dropped the ball on this hire. Their reasoning for firing Brewster mid-season was so they could get a head start on finding a coach and would have a leg up on all the other schools that would be making coaching changes once the season ended.

Newspapers and talk radio were expecting an announcement of a new coach either the day after the Iowa game or the Monday following the Iowa game. I honestly dont think they are close at all to hiring a coach.

Part One- correct, no way Leach is the next coach.

Part Two- maybe so, but by "dropping the ball" he had the perfect candidate fall into his lap in the form of...

Part Three- Randy Shannon- head coaching experience with a winning record at the U and exceptional graduation rate. Now, Minn is certainly not The U and I'll personally say I have no feelings either way about the hire, but Shannon also doesn't come with a buy out clause... which is a major sticking point for this hire.
I think it's crazy Leach hasn't been picked up. He would be a great fit at Miami or Colorado. MN and IN would both be lucky to have him. I just don't get it, the whole situation makes the James family look like the db's IMO. I don't buy the baggage excuse
I have a hard time not seeing Indiana taking a run at Leach, that would be a smart hire. I don't think that Leach to Minney would be a good hire with the new outdoor stadium.
I have a hard time not seeing Indiana taking a run at Leach, that would be a smart hire. I don't think that Leach to Minney would be a good hire with the new outdoor stadium.

Leach would be a real catch for Indiana. He could put their program on the map.
I'm just glad they didn't hire Dan McCarney, which was rumored.

That would have been one more coach Iowa has to face every year, that circles the Hawkeye game on the calendar as the Must-Win-Game of the season.

We already have our work cut out for us with Fitzgerald and Beliema. Plus Ames.
I'm with a lot of you guys. I can't believe that nobody has hired Leach. If you can succeed in Lubbock you can succeed almost anywhere.
I also find it interesting that Leach had an incredible graduation rate at Tech. He has a law degree, too. Neither here nor there, but interesting. Seems likely he'll win wherever he lands.

The bigger question is how in the world is Maturi being allowed to make this hire? Say what you will about Mason, he was a two time Big 8 coach of the year, as well as a Big 10 coach of the year and national coach of the year.

And one year after giving him a new contract and millions and millions of dollars, you fire him for a bullsh*t-slingin'-used-car-saleman-tight-ends-coach? Man, that's a tough one to swallow.
I'd say that Leach would be a great hire for Minny or UIndy. I think he does well whereever if given the correct situation and support. That being said, I too agree with others that think he would have a track on our number. For that, I certainly hope he does not end up at any Big10 school.
Part Two- maybe so, but by "dropping the ball" he had the perfect candidate fall into his lap in the form of...

Part Three- Randy Shannon- head coaching experience with a winning record at the U and exceptional graduation rate. Now, Minn is certainly not The U and I'll personally say I have no feelings either way about the hire, but Shannon also doesn't come with a buy out clause... which is a major sticking point for this hire.

Perfect candidate? Randy Shannon went .500 in conference play in a below average ACC at Miami. If he cant win at Miami in a conference like the ACC, what makes you think he can win at Minnesota in the Big Ten?

I will take my chances with Randy Shannon at Minny.
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Heard a former player discussing Leach on Minneapolis sports radio today. Don't recall his name, but he was very measured and obviously well-informed. Not a recent player but a guy who's been around and is still involved in college sports.

He's had the opportunity to review the formal complaints against Leach and said they're an absolute joke. Added that it was a shame, because Leach would be just what the Gophers need, and he's interested. But he's won't get a shot.

The only reason Leach was villianized is because it dealt with Craig James kid..pure and simple.

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