What "hard" question would you ask Ferentz?


Well-Known Member
In the ? for Jon thread asking why the news media are "afraid to ask KF hard questions," the founder/publisher/owner of HN posits the following in response to one critical poster: "What question, and in what manner, isn't being asked? Step up and let's see what you have."

It's a fair point and one that should be put to every poster who has come to this site critical of Kirk Ferentz, his coaches or his program. Unfortunately, due to the lack of a more metropolitan media market and one where controversy does not necessarily sell papers or attract viewers, the Iowa sports media are put in sort of a bubble. Access to the coach and perhaps even the sports information office hangs in the balance whenever a reporter asks an Iowa coach -- and especially the head of the Hawkeye football program -- difficult questions.

If you were in the next press conference after the MSU loss and facing tough games ahead with Ohio State and Northwestern, what "hard question" would you ask the coach? Serious responses only, please.
I hate to do this...

Kirk, at what point is the reputational risk (to you and the university) for staying on (as head coach) going to out weigh your own need to coach? or maybe slightly re-worded for the A.D.
I hate to do this...

Kirk, at what point is the reputational risk (to you and the university) for staying on (as head coach) going to out weigh your own need to coach? or maybe slightly re-worded for the A.D.

He would not comment on that and I doubt he would field another question from you the rest of the presser.
I know, this exercise quickly ends when you think it through. He does not answer or does not provide the answer imagined.

Probably an easier one...and one that could be asked..and should be....will there be a transition plan that includes an heir who is already to be on staff?
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I know, this exercise quickly ends when you think it through. He does not answer or does not provide the answer imagined.

Probably an easier one...and one that could be asked..and should be....will there be a transition plan that includes and heir who is already to be on staff?

You are right, if you have ever heard one of KFs pressers you know his answers.
Kirk, in the past three years, you've been the victim of three onside kicks that caused your opponent to have a chance to win the game, and in all three instances they were successful in that endeavor. In that same time frame, there have been 7 fake punts run against you and you've lost 6 of those games. How do you respond to critics that say that you don't have the team ready to play on Saturdays?

Follow up: When you look at those games and what might have been, how do you respond to those who say that there has been real damage done to the program as a result of those losses? Wisconsin 2010, Minnesota 2010 and 2011 and Central Michigan in 2013 were all pretty significant losses.
You could ask countless questions that people want answers to but would never get...

Coach, why do over-react and over compensate for issues in your program that are meaningless but refuse to fix the items that are obvious, glaring and actually impact wins and losses?

Why do you not recruit bigger more physical offensive lineman in order to control the line of scrimmage in order to make the down hill running game and offense in general more effective?

Why do you insist on burning the red shirt on players who you have no real confidence in playing outside of a meaningless non-con game?

Why do you not create more competition for positions instead of allowing an entrenched starter to under-perform often for multiple seasons and risk losing talented youngsters to transfer?

Why are you not more aggressive in your game management decisions in order to develop that mindset in your program and players since you have already been given a iron clad, long-term contract?

And on and on ......
Do you truly believe that it is possible to win every game 9 to 6?
Why do you feel the need to bench younger players if they make a mistake but Juniors or Seniors continue to play unless they get injured.
Do you feel recruiting is important to being successful at the college level?
You have two above average seasons in the last 8 years, do you feel that is the best your program can do? Is it just football?
Have you ever thought about restructuring your contract so that you can attract and keep top recruiters and assistant coaches?
Coach in knowing the success percentage your opponents have had against you in executing fakes and trick plays, do you plan on putting a strong emphasis on correcting this obvious problem? Do you predict that the success percentage of your opponents will go down significantly on the fake punts and onside kicks attempted on your team in future games from this point on wards? If so, how are you going to change your technique and strategy so your team is more successful?

Coach if you are talking to a 17 year old recruit right now (specifically at a skill position like wide receiver), how do you sell your program at Iowa over a program like Oregon (or maybe Northwestern) who plays hyper uptempo, who uses a great variety of option and read options looks, and spreads the football all over the field offensively? What does Iowa have that these programs do not that says I should come here and play for the Hawkeyes?
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What is clear here is that there are some people here who if they were employed as a reporter, would almost certainly cause their employer to have to issue a formal apology to the athletic department due to your conduct in the pressers.
What is clear here is that there are some people here who if they were employed as a reporter, would almost certainly cause their employer to have to issue a formal apology to the athletic department due to your conduct in the pressers.

4th and 13 ball on the Nebraskers 30 yard line what do you do?

A) Punt

B) Set up for punt and get a delay of game

C) 12 men in the huddle just to see if everyone can count

D)Set up to go for it then call a time out and not go for it and then boot it into the endzone with a net gain of 10
yards, profit.
I hate to do this...

Kirk, at what point is the reputational risk (to you and the university) for staying on (as head coach) going to out weigh your own need to coach? or maybe slightly re-worded for the A.D.

Guaranteed you don't ask this. You may want to know the answer, but whether you worked for a publication or your own, you would not ask a question like that. This is a Wednesday night call in show question at most.
Kirk, in the past three years, you've been the victim of three onside kicks that caused your opponent to have a chance to win the game, and in all three instances they were successful in that endeavor. In that same time frame, there have been 7 fake punts run against you and you've lost 6 of those games. How do you respond to critics that say that you don't have the team ready to play on Saturdays?

Follow up: When you look at those games and what might have been, how do you respond to those who say that there has been real damage done to the program as a result of those losses? Wisconsin 2010, Minnesota 2010 and 2011 and Central Michigan in 2013 were all pretty significant losses.

The 'those who say' line doesn't fly ;) just say it.
You could ask countless questions that people want answers to but would never get...

Coach, why do over-react and over compensate for issues in your program that are meaningless but refuse to fix the items that are obvious, glaring and actually impact wins and losses?

Why do you not recruit bigger more physical offensive lineman in order to control the line of scrimmage in order to make the down hill running game and offense in general more effective?

Why do you insist on burning the red shirt on players who you have no real confidence in playing outside of a meaningless non-con game?

Why do you not create more competition for positions instead of allowing an entrenched starter to under-perform often for multiple seasons and risk losing talented youngsters to transfer?

Why are you not more aggressive in your game management decisions in order to develop that mindset in your program and players since you have already been given a iron clad, long-term contract?

And on and on ......

People act like they don't have an outlet. Wednesday nights, call Kirk Ferentz show. Dial it up and let's hear America's best...surely we should get to the bottom of everything over the course of the next few shows. Report back to me on how it goes.
What is clear here is that there are some people here who if they were employed as a reporter, would almost certainly cause their employer to have to issue a formal apology to the athletic department due to your conduct in the pressers.

LOL. BUt...but...but...the media is soft.

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