What do you think?

I'm excited and happy.

The first game our offense stumbles I'll start ******** and call for his head..

Seriously, it's interesting. He's done some good things but did them with great talent. So we'll see.
Don't get me wrong, I'm excited. I'm just suggesting that I don't think there will be a major offensive rebirth. KF is the head coach, and our new OC is mostly in line with KF's philosophy.

Golf, I understand your concerns and they are justifiable. Will conservative coach who likes to run 2 out of every 3 plays let an offensive coordinator who likes to throw 2 out of three plays, let a extremely experienced offensive coordinator have the reins? I hope he does, this could get very entertaining if Kirk lets it happen. I expect it will, otherwise he would have just hired from within. KF has to realize that the natives are starting to get a little restless.
Golf, I understand your concerns and they are justifiable. Will conservative coach who likes to run 2 out of every 3 plays let an offensive coordinator who likes to throw 2 out of three plays, let a extremely experienced offensive coordinator have the reins? I hope he does, this could get very entertaining if Kirk lets it happen. I expect it will, otherwise he would have just hired from within. KF has to realize that the natives are starting to get a little restless.

KF could care less about the fans. He's locked into a long term contract that calls for a $2.6 million per year buyout. This guy is just a caretaker until Brian can take over. Everything will be BAU with KF continuing to call all the shots. Learn to be happy with 7 win seasons.
Kok leaving being pushed whatever you prefer was an A plus. The hire an A. Huge win for the program going forward
"KF has to realize that the natives are starting to get a little restless."

Oh, he does. Trust me, he does. That's all I gotta say bout that.
I have no reason not to like it yet. I don't think it will help recruiting in texas though. We would still have to competee gainst Texas schools for players.
I don't get it...for the negative people on here, who would you want him to hire. I think KF wanted Moore, but the prevailing thought is that Moore didn't want a full time job. So KF goes out and gets a guy that went to bowl games 12 of 13 years at Texas, ran the offense for teams that won two NC, and for all intense purposes, developed NFL QB's. If this were basketball and Fran hired one of Duke's assistant coaches who had been there for their National Championships...would everyone be complaining right now?

I don't think there will be major differences with the game plans. We are an establish the run type of team, then go to play action and exploit the single matchups where you have advantage. Where Davis will differ is when we aren't running effectively. He will be more likely to let the QB win the game. The other factor is that I think he will, based on the way his QB's at Texas played, develop the QB's. I know he got better talent at Texas, but Vandenberg and Ruddock have a pedigree of success in HS. And JVB showed flashes...he just needs polish and pocket presence. Looking off a defense would be a welcome skill also.

I'm optimistic.
"KF has to realize that the natives are starting to get a little restless."

Oh, he does. Trust me, he does. That's all I gotta say bout that.
Golfer you seem to be pretty tight with some of the "in" crowd in Iowa City.
I'm curious why a guy (KF)that has had a pretty high level of success and is obviously not stupid has such a hard time seeing how predictable things have been.
Its not that hard to put a few wrinkles in what he has been doing just to keep the opponent guessing.
Hopefully KOK was the problem or at least KF realized it was time for some change.
And for the record I'm not real good with the fans driving the bus. No matter how much money they have.
I don't get it.....

People wanted KF to go outside the program for the OC and he did that. People wanted KF to get someone with proven success and he did that, evidenced by GD's teams playing in 2 NCs, winning one, and averaging nearly 40 ppg over a 10 year period. People wanted KF to get someone who had a track record of developing QBs (claiming that QBs didn't get better under KOK) and he did that, evidenced by the growth of Major Applewhite, Chris Simms, Vince Young and Colt McCoy. People wanted KF to get someone who has shown that he could adapt to the personnel or the opponent (claiming that KOK was too stubborn to change things up when the game or personnel called for it) and he did that, evidenced by the different offensive attacks that Davis employed under Applewhite, Young and McCoy. He did all that and some people still aren't happy. I'm convinced that a lot of people just aren't happy in general and will never be happy.

I, for one, am happy with the hire. He got a guy that has all the things you'd want in an assistant.....progressive experience (started out in HS football, paid his dues, moved up the ladder, even has some head coaching experience, has experience under different schools and different systems), play-calling experience, successful offenses, has put guys in the NFL, adaptability and a "players coach". My only questions would be "fit", but I trust Kirk and his ability to recognize fit as evidenced by the longevity of virtually all of his hires.

I look forward to fall and seeing how this all works out!
I don't get it.....

People wanted KF to go outside the program for the OC and he did that. People wanted KF to get someone with proven success and he did that, evidenced by GD's teams playing in 2 NCs, winning one, and averaging nearly 40 ppg over a 10 year period. People wanted KF to get someone who had a track record of developing QBs (claiming that QBs didn't get better under KOK) and he did that, evidenced by the growth of Major Applewhite, Chris Simms, Vince Young and Colt McCoy. People wanted KF to get someone who has shown that he could adapt to the personnel or the opponent (claiming that KOK was too stubborn to change things up when the game or personnel called for it) and he did that, evidenced by the different offensive attacks that Davis employed under Applewhite, Young and McCoy. He did all that and some people still aren't happy. I'm convinced that a lot of people just aren't happy in general and will never be happy.

I, for one, am happy with the hire. He got a guy that has all the things you'd want in an assistant.....progressive experience (started out in HS football, paid his dues, moved up the ladder, even has some head coaching experience, has experience under different schools and different systems), play-calling experience, successful offenses, has put guys in the NFL, adaptability and a "players coach". My only questions would be "fit", but I trust Kirk and his ability to recognize fit as evidenced by the longevity of virtually all of his hires.

I look forward to fall and seeing how this all works out!

Very well said, Spider. And most of his life and career have taken place in the #1 state for football recruiting.

Some people complain about everything.
Cautiously optimistic that he'll be able to outperform KOK. Seems like some of his weaknesses are KF's strengths, going on what I've read about him. Guess we'll find out.

I like the hire and am also cautiously optimistic.

I gotta give credit to Kirk for not following the "safe" route by promoting from within. I'm hoping this will translate to giving Greg more freedom with the offense than KOK had, but we'll see.
Golfer you seem to be pretty tight with some of the "in" crowd in Iowa City.
I'm curious why a guy (KF)that has had a pretty high level of success and is obviously not stupid has such a hard time seeing how predictable things have been.
Its not that hard to put a few wrinkles in what he has been doing just to keep the opponent guessing.
Hopefully KOK was the problem or at least KF realized it was time for some change.
And for the record I'm not real good with the fans driving the bus. No matter how much money they have.

I know some people. I'm not tight with the "in" crowd in Iowa City though. I'm fairly sure most Iowa City folks really don't like Republican businessmen, and almost certain the "in" crowd in Iowa City would dislike a guy like me.

There was pressure. Havind said this, KF still runs his program, pressure or not.

KoK was upset at the Coker thing. Very upset. Raised voices level upset. This involved some admin from the U, and that wasn't a good judgement on KoK's part.

An opportunity came up, kinda, for KoK.

The timing was perfect.

It was a coup d'état, that just happened on its' own, due to timing and circumstances coming together. If it hadn't all fallen into place, I beleive we'd still have KoK.

I can't verify this. It's not like they would hold a press conference and confirm these types of things.

KF was at the wake funeral of a donor's daughter up here in CR recently. It's not the type of thing you walk up to him, and just ask at this type of event, or any event for that matter.

That's what I heard. Then I heard KoK was gone. And then it happened, so I take the position, where there is a bunch of smoke, there must be at least a little bit of fire around somewhere.

No one will ever know with 100% certainty. I might have about 65% of it.


It is what it is.

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