What Channel is Little Brother on?

I made the drive up, scalped tix, and left with a minute left in the half. Laughing all the way. My only regret was spending $30 per ticket to watch that crap. Guess I'm just spoiled watching the Hawks live every home game. ISU has no D whatsoever. They are just plain bad. I actually almost feel bad for their fans.
I made the drive up, scalped tix, and left with a minute left in the half. Laughing all the way. My only regret was spending $30 per ticket to watch that crap. Guess I'm just spoiled watching the Hawks live every home game. ISU has no D whatsoever. They are just plain bad. I actually almost feel bad for their fans.

I kinda wanted to go, but no one invited me......Thought about driving up by myself, but its like going to the bar by yourself.......you have that loser vibe going....so I stayed home. i thought it would be a close, fun, entertaining game to go to. I'm glad i didn't go.
Little sister is getting raped.
She's such a slut.
She's not even fighting back.

I realize I root for a team that has ben Roethlisberger as the QB......dude, could you come up with something better than this.....I'm not being PC or anything....not cool, not cool at all.
the history channel

(get it,they are history)

ok, not a very good pun, but the good ones where already taken