What are tickets scalping for these days?

A buddy of mine that buys tickets at Kinnick all the time told me that the last UNI game was a hard ticket to get as a lot of UNI fans were looking for tickets as well.
Anyone been to Michigan and scalped. Going there this year and want good seats. Willing to pay stubhub price if needed but if scalping is cheaper then I would try it.
Anyone been to Michigan and scalped. Going there this year and want good seats. Willing to pay stubhub price if needed but if scalping is cheaper then I would try it.

I went there in 2006. I was given free tickets from a Michigan source, but walked up at game time and saw a bunch of scalpers. I asked one how much and was able to get a ticket on about the 20 halfway up the stadium for $20. I ended up just pocketing my other kind of crappy ticket.

There were even 110,000 people there.

So, I would definitely advocate scalping there.
A buddy of mine that buys tickets at Kinnick all the time told me that the last UNI game was a hard ticket to get as a lot of UNI fans were looking for tickets as well.

A buddy of mine that buys tickets at Kinnick all the time told me that the last UNI game was a hard ticket to get as a lot of UNI fans were looking for tickets as well.

So just to make sure I'm clear on what your laying down...A buddy of yours that bought tickets told his other buddy, who told you friend's wife, who told your wife, who told you, that the ISU game was not going to be on TV this year?

Please repost one more time if I'm not understanding correctly...
Scalping all comes down to the number of tickets you need together.
If you need a single, you'll get in for next to nothing.
If you need a pair for UNI, i would expect to pay around $60 each

Anything more than 2 together and you're going to pay more than face value.

Again, you can always get lucky and find a season ticket holder who will give you a good deal. However, I'd say 75% of the people you see with tickets are scalpers and they are there to profit.
There are single seats available. Go to the University website and purchase single seats and go sit in the student section.
UNI game will be tougher than people think due to the local interest. Not only your typical Iowa game demand, but plenty of UNI fans within an easy drive of IC plus regular people in the IC/CR and Cedar Valley area that are interested in this matchup.

It was not an easy ticket last time, and I doubt it will be this year, either.
My 19 year old son wants to roadtrip from KC with four buddies. He's thinking the UNI game. Stubhub is starting at $80 per ticket and I have to think he can do better than that. Haven't scalped in a while, but curious what to expect if team looks decent going into UNI game.


Join your boy and meet me at the directional Michigan game.
I'm sorry, but why on earth would anybody over the age of 25 want to sit in teh student section?? What a nightmare.
ankle last time we played UNI i couldn't find anything cheaper than 75 per ticket prior to kick. several were more than 100

That was also the first game of the year and expectations were kinda high that year coming off the '08 season. I don't think prices will be that high this year.
Anyone been to Michigan and scalped. Going there this year and want good seats. Willing to pay stubhub price if needed but if scalping is cheaper then I would try it.

Outside the student union. I guess it's illegal there, but they are scalping openly there.

I take the crappy tix from the U, and I go see scalper. I show scalper my U of I tix, and say I'll give you these tix, and X more to sit between the 35's.

No problem with tix at Michigan.
My 19 year old son wants to roadtrip from KC with four buddies. He's thinking the UNI game. Stubhub is starting at $80 per ticket and I have to think he can do better than that. Haven't scalped in a while, but curious what to expect if team looks decent going into UNI game.

Not sure if already mentioned but there are 5-10 pro scalpers around Kinnick who try to buy up the ticket supply. They pay low dollar to buy tickets.

If your son can find these guys ( a couple of them always hang out at melrose and melrose ct.) about a half hour before the game and as someone gets ready to sell their tickets to the scalpers your son can jump in and offer $10 more bucks a ticket.

They should be able to get a good price.
Outside the student union. I guess it's illegal there, but they are scalping openly there.

I take the crappy tix from the U, and I go see scalper. I show scalper my U of I tix, and say I'll give you these tix, and X more to sit between the 35's.

No problem with tix at Michigan.

Yep. This would absolutely work.