What am I missing?


Well-Known Member
What I'm not understanding about Cokers deal is how did the sexual assault accusations even start? Did she originally throw that out there and changed her mind? Is hospital obligated to inform police when they have some kind of reason to do so? If the police and girl both say nothing to see here no problem then how is Coker wrong in saying he was being punished for something he didn't do? Then next question is was it Ferentzs, Bartas, the schools call to suspend/kick him off? Obviously he didn't want to leave and it wasn't his decision. So far I feel bad for the kid unless something else comes out. This sucks for him and the program no winners here.
What I'm not understanding about Cokers deal is how did the sexual assault accusations even start? Did she originally throw that out there and changed her mind? Is hospital obligated to inform police when they have some kind of reason to do so? If the police and girl both say nothing to see here no problem then how is Coker wrong in saying he was being punished for something he didn't do? Then next question is was it Ferentzs, Bartas, the schools call to suspend/kick him off? Obviously he didn't want to leave and it wasn't his decision. So far I feel bad for the kid unless something else comes out. This sucks for him and the program no winners here.

one things is true: we do not know that the suspension is/was tied to this assault story. we can guess that it was.

and if she doesn't want to participate, the story is over. even if he is guilty.

what i do know is is it would be hard to be a high profile student on campus with an alleged sexual assault tag. easy to see why he'd want a fresh start elsewhere.
Guilty or not, on the campus he will be guilty by a large portion of the populace, proven or not. After Pierce, and Alford's "innocent until proven guilty stance" he will be judged guilty. He would have become personna non grata (sp).

This is complicated by the other cases (Everson and Satterfield) who were given the benefit of the doubt.

This will now become a good way to chase good athletes away from the program. The University will be over cautious and innocent people will suffer to save face.
Guilty or not, on the campus he will be guilty by a large portion of the populace, proven or not. After Pierce, and Alford's "innocent until proven guilty stance" he will be judged guilty. He would have become personna non grata (sp).

This is complicated by the other cases (Everson and Satterfield) who were given the benefit of the doubt.

This will now become a good way to chase good athletes away from the program. The University will be over cautious and innocent people will suffer to save face.

I agree with this and it's too bad. Every case/kid should be 100% looked at on an individual basis. But they aren't and this must not have been. Hence why I feel bad for Coker till Ferentz or Barta starts explaining.
and for the same reason, every recruit will/should look at the university as a whole and the campus culture, in addition to athletic dept, coaches, and potential and be 100% committed themselves before arrival.
Very true... This could hurt the program alot more then just with having lost Coker and being thin at rb. With FB and Twitter the words going to get out how Iowa will have quick hooks and no benefit of the doubts to kids. You think we can win recruiting battles with SEC schools or anyone else with that kind of a rep?
What I'm not understanding about Cokers deal is how did the sexual assault accusations even start? Did she originally throw that out there and changed her mind? Is hospital obligated to inform police when they have some kind of reason to do so? If the police and girl both say nothing to see here no problem then how is Coker wrong in saying he was being punished for something he didn't do? Then next question is was it Ferentzs, Bartas, the schools call to suspend/kick him off? Obviously he didn't want to leave and it wasn't his decision. So far I feel bad for the kid unless something else comes out. This sucks for him and the program no winners here.

take a look at the last sex case at iowa. look how long that took. look at the fishbowl that is iowa city. look at how the prosecution treated the alleged victim - called their own client a 'liar'.

would you want to have to go thru that, and at the end of the day, what have you gained?

much easier to 'move on' with your life.
Post Alford/Pierce, these cases are grade A radioactive at Iowa. Keep it zipped in or tempt fate at your peril.
So since the girl decided that she wasn't going to press charges does she get in trouble for for making that up? Or since there's such a "grey area" when it comes to consensual sex these days the cops just don't want to mess with that. I mean it's only a kids future here she totally altered.
So since the girl decided that she wasn't going to press charges does she get in trouble for for making that up? Or since there's such a "grey area" when it comes to consensual sex these days the cops just don't want to mess with that. I mean it's only a kids future here she totally altered.

How on earth to you get "not pressing charges" to "making it up".
So since the girl decided that she wasn't going to press charges does she get in trouble for for making that up? Or since there's such a "grey area" when it comes to consensual sex these days the cops just don't want to mess with that. I mean it's only a kids future here she totally altered.

if she truly 'made it up' i suppose. why do you think the story is made up?

a guy can punch you in the face and if you don't press charges does that mean the punch never happened?
Didn't the investigation conclude that there wasn't any evidence to form a case, even if the girl wanted to press charges?
ah yes, the pesky satterfield and everson case in which they were found not guilty of sexual assault.
Yes it is. Without a victim, you have no case for sexual assault. How could any jury ever convict a guy if the alleged victim says she wasn't raped?

no it isnt. she can refuse to testify and that may affect the prosecutors decision...but its not the victims decision.

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