What a way to revisit Iowa City


Well-Known Member
First time back since 2006, and my first game in CHA since 1989, ended up one of the best weekends ever.

Started out speaking to graduate seminars at the engineering school Thursday and Friday, including lunch and dinner with some old profs. That's why I was in town, and it was very rewarding, hopefully the students learned some things and I know I did (the saying is true, you learn even more when you teach). Very impressed with the school (which has grown significantly since the 80's) and students. Followed that with an interesting evening downtown, involving Joe's Place, pitas and various entertainments of the alcoholic kind.

With help from an engineering friend, visited wrestling practice Saturday morning, and met coach Brands briefly. Wish I could've stayed for today's meet. Then on to the basketball game, and Iowa's absolute dismantling of Meeshigan. Started out in high seats, spotted a couple in the 7th row and grabbed those after halftime. The intensity and physicality of Iowa's D was amazing to see up close. They absolutely wanted this game, and they wanted nothing less than end-to-end domination. Just... wow.

I left with no voice left and still sound like a frog. My wife thought we had a bad connection when I called, and almost hung up on me cuz I couldn't talk.

Maybe I shouldn't wait 25 yrs for the next one.

Go Hawks!

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