Whar Outrage with Boeheim?

No thanks, I don't think you will get left behind for acting like that, the best in anything are often different, see coach k. I know he has flipped out but I would consider him I be very level headed
So because the ref moved out of Boeheim's way that means no suspension?

As bad as Boeheim looked he was at least composed enough not to bump the official. Fran was out of control and bumped an official that wasn't even the one that ejected him.
Refs are grwon men paid to do their job. If you don't do your job are you held responsible? Fran was holding the refs responsible for doing a **** job.

So in all honesty I didn't know it was a refs responsibility for letting Fran know when he's doing a ****** job. Refs aren't coaches, coaches aren't refs. Regardless of what we think there's nothing a coach can say to an official during the game to get him to remove his head from his ***. Coaches coach. Officials officiate. Thats the way it is, so unfortunately regardless of what we think there's no reason one should cross the professional boundaries and start telling the other what they think of the other.

I stand behind my statement. What a coach thinks about an officials call is justified, but they have to accept the consequences when they call such official out. They also have to know how to do it and where to draw the line, because ultimately they will not win the battle. Do I hold a coach responsible for calling an official out? Yes. Do I hold a coach responsible when he's ejected for crossing the line? Absolutely.
As bad as Boeheim looked he was at least composed enough not to bump the official. Fran was out of control and bumped an official that wasn't even the one that ejected him.

fran didn't bump the official the official gave a for arm to Fran
fran didn't bump the official the official gave a for arm to Fran

Agreed. If the ref hadn't put his arm out, I don't think Fran would have made contact. Lots of people say that he looked like he was going to tackle the ref. If so, then the ref's arm wouldn't have stopped him. The fact is that Fran was rushing him, but probably wouldn't have made contact if the ref hadn't stuck his arm out.
Sorry but I don't agree with this at all. Regardless of whether its BS or not it doesn't justify a coach getting thrown out. It didn't for Fran and it doesn't for Boeheim. What and what isn't a foul in the eyes of an official is a gray area, the way a coach conducts himself is not.

You serious, Clark? No way that call goes the same way in the Carrier Dome. No way. I suspect you know that, too.

As bad as Boeheim looked he was at least composed enough not to bump the official. Fran was out of control and bumped an official that wasn't even the one that ejected him.

fran didn't bump the official the official gave a for arm to Fran

Only Delaney, his office, Barta and Fran know exactly why he got the suspension but I suspect there were two factors at play: Fran continuing to move towards the official and gesture towards him in a menacing manner even after the technical, making it likely or at least possible there would be contact; and Fran's body of work in this regard, namely the previous ejection and at least one previous warning that we know about (is there other communication that has not been reported?) from the commissioner's office.
Agreed. If the ref hadn't put his arm out, I don't think Fran would have made contact. Lots of people say that he looked like he was going to tackle the ref. If so, then the ref's arm wouldn't have stopped him. The fact is that Fran was rushing him, but probably wouldn't have made contact if the ref hadn't stuck his arm out.

Another fact is that if Fran was sitting in his chair or at least standing in the coaching box he wouldn't have made contact.
You serious, Clark? No way that call goes the same way in the Carrier Dome. No way. I suspect you know that, too.


Never did I saw that it gets called the same way in the Carrier Dome. What I'm getting at is that its a fight he's not going to win. All I'm saying is that in the end regardless of whether it was a horrible call (which it was) or the right one he's still responsible for his behavior. He got himself ejected based on his actions and put the game out of reach.

Horrible call? Absolutely. Did Cuse still have a shot at the win after the charge was called? Yes albeit long shot. Did they have a chance after he picked up two T's and got ejected? Not a chance in hell. I stand behind my original post. The call wasn't what got him ejected, it was his actions after the fact.
They were very sorta almost calling him out on it on the Dan Patrick show today. They also pretty much hit the nail on the head when they pointed out that he has won a title. Fran hasn't won anything yet. Maybe if he wins the B1G tourney, or somehow wins the regular season, then maybe he will get some respect from the officials.

Is it right? Hail naw. I wish some of the newer officials would come in and tell Izzo and such to get in the box, sit down, and shuddup.
IMO I see Boeheim and Fran on the same level. They're both in a new environment. While Boeheim has one a Championship he's in a new conference and he's not entitled to anything within the conference at this point, same as Fran.

I think Boeheim is taking it to a whole different level, because Fran accepted it, made his comment, accepted his punishment, and moved on Boeheim takes a different approach and immediately goes on to take a shot at the ACC about the way they schedule games immediately after.

I didn't hear him complaining about the schedule, or the way the ACC operates before he lost 2 straight. Get back on the bench. Get your guys back to where they were. Shut up and coach. It's that simple. Then again, I'm sure its a wise move to **** off the officials and your new conference. I've got an idea lets throw his administration under the bus while he's at it. I'm sure it will help.

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