We've gone as far as we can go with Kirk

If he's not thinking 'we need to improve recruiting' then he's the wrong guy for the job. To chalk this up to details tells me that he can't see the forest through the trees. Someone who should be in a small room stacking bee bees.
1) We haven't won the Big 10 in nearly 13 years now. There is no conference trophy for two second place finishes since 04.

2) Five straight bowl game losses, almost all them have been complete blowout's. Never even really close games.

3) Has taken Iowa to only one Rose Bowl game, we all know how that turned out.

4) Losses to teams Iowa never should have.

5) Struggles to lowly ISU.

6) Can't recruit big time players, Kirk settles for 1, 2 and 3 star players.

7) Extremely boring brand of football, a reflection of Kirk's personality.

Thank you Inspector Obvious
I'm dead serious, this is what Iowa football is and will be with Kirk as the head coach and Barta as the AD. We are a blah, boring, middle of the Big 10 pack football program. Last year was a fluke, and it saved his ass and gave him an extension thanks to Gary. Outside Michigan and Nebraska, this season really sucked. Next year will be awful/ I bet we go to Madison and get our asses handed to us as will Ohio St when they come to town.

Its extremely difficult to argue with any of this. But the program is still a lottery ticket that keeps on paying out, every single year. And in college football, more so than any other sport, NCAA or professional, its all about money. If it wasn't, KF would have been fired long ago. There are only a few programs, the blue bloods basically, that measure their success on championships.
The UI is not going to fire KF and pay him 4.5 million a year and pay a new coach 4 million a year. Then if that coach sucks you have to hire a new third coach

You have to put up with KF and if for some reason he can get a passing game like last year they can win double digit games in a year.

I dont think it is boring when Daniels and wadley are ripping off runs and we can also pass decent like in 2013 and 2015.

I also do not mind running the football a lot at all. It's the very best thing we can do on offense. Our receivers are marginal, pass scheme crappy and our OLine pass blocking is awful. Why put it in the air much?

I was thinking when we were down 17-3 going to the fourth that we should not put the ball in the air. Just keep giving it to Wadley and hope he breaks one. Who did not see a bunch of picks and inept pass plays coming? Running with Wadley however remote was the only chance to get a score - LOL.
Paying attention to details, while important, is not the answer. When it's 4th down from the 1 yard line, it doesn't matter how many details you pay attention to if you run the ball into a line of scrimmage where your team is outnumbered by the defense, it ain't gonna work.

The attention to detail line is a cop out for a staff who hasn't had an original idea in over 10 years.

But hey, year 19 will be different. Right?
I wouldn't pay the money that the university charges to watch what Iowa football is: an average team in an overrated conference. But my vote doesn't matter because there are 60k+ rubes who will, so there's no reason to be any better. I have a feeling, however, that once Iowa gets smoked by Wyoming, Penn State, and Iowa State in 2017 lots of those seats will be empty. Then maybe something will happen.
Barta got away with making his mistake the first time. I really hope KF will only stick around for a couple more seasons,then calls it a career. Thats the only way oout of that damn contract.

I said this during and after the 2014 season. ferentz will coach long enough to become the all time winningest coach at iowa, then he'll retire. hayden had 143 and kfootball has 135. So, probably to more 7 win seasons.
Hey, folks. Everything is going to be alright. I am writing a letter to coach Ferentz as soon as I submit this post. I am going to explain to him that it is absolutely acceptable, in the 21st century, to want, seek and have an offense that is good at both passing the ball and running the ball. You no longer have to chose which one you want to be good at. I feel that, after I step in and point this out to our coach, things will certainly be better next season and beyond.

Go Hawks!
I've been doing some thinking today and I think its clear that this team will only go as far as Ferentz takes them over the next few years.
Paying attention to details, while important, is not the answer. When it's 4th down from the 1 yard line, it doesn't matter how many details you pay attention to if you run the ball into a line of scrimmage where your team is outnumbered by the defense, it ain't gonna work.

The attention to detail line is a cop out for a staff who hasn't had an original idea in over 10 years.

But hey, year 19 will be different. Right?

Here's the thing to me about that 4th and 1. We had timeouts and I totally agreed with the call to go for the TD. That was an impending huge play and I am not certain we got a good spot on it in the first place. Why on earth not line up and then take a time out to challenge the spot which i think should have been inches from the goal line not a full yard. Taking the TO gives you time also to talk to your OLine about the importance of this play and getting off on the ball? Then you call a straight ahead run not a zone/stretch left that invites freaking penetration which is what you do not want in short yardage and is exactly what happened. If you happen to win the spot challenge you might just be able to sneak it in.

It was just such a critical juncture and to me would have been a hell of a time to use a time out to get it right. Another of the zillions of examples of KFs poor game management. How can there be a worse in game coach?
See, that's the thing. Kirk is not a good man. He's a stubborn controlling asshole stuck in some Amish community from the '50s.

I was told by a well known Iowa sports personality the year they hired KF. He told me that KF would never take Iowa beyond slightly above average. At first I thought he was wrong, especially after the first years, but now when I think back at his reasons for his prediction. He was right on the money. He described KF's coaching style to a tee. He didn't use the Amish community example to describe his coaching style but he could have.
Maybe we have gone as far as we can with Kirk. But for the powers that be, that's good enough. We're told that the money is rolling in, stadium renovation is set to occur, championships (of the bowl variety) are on the horizon, as are endless 7 win seasons. Don't dare mess with the formula. Be happy we're Iowa. We could be Purdue. Because those are the only two choices.