Wegher: I'm back on top of "it"

Seriously, some of the responses on this thread are extremely sickening and ignorant. Until any of you can actually know and understand what Brandon Wegher has experienced you have no right to judge him. Am I happy that he's leaving UofI for OK? No way. But for some of you clowns to judge and ridicule him for (apparently) getting a couple of girls pregnant and then transferring is nothing but ignorant. Just because a kid doesn't choose to play for our university doesn't mean that he's a bad human being.

Before you judge, think back to your college days (for those who actually attended college) and think about what it was like to be able to be independently "chase" 18-22 year old co-eds without mom and dad telling you to be home by 10pm every Saturday night.

Scale that experience up a little bit in being a top athlete at a major B1G Ten university...and the "talent-level" of the co-ed population increases dramatically.

Now, think back to all of the times that you had sexual relations with a girl in college. Guess what, Brandon Wegher is no more guilty than you were...he was unfortunate (or fortunate) to get a girl pregnant. You don't know if they were "responsible" or not...but to cast a stone at him for getting a girl pregnant is extremely ignorant if you personally had sex in college. It could have happened to ANYONE of YOU (that actually had sex in college).

If you didn't have intercourse in college....you either didn't go to college (which is cool) or you weren't with any ladies (which is also cool but the judgment could now also be passed to you).

Males tend to glamorize the art of "hooking up"...yet when a guy like Wegher is unfortunate to knock up a couple of girls (speculation) we perceive him as a bad human being. If the feedback he's gotten from Iowa City and the UofI campus is anywhere close to what is said on these boards then it's no wonder this kid wants to transfer. I'd want to get as far away from the issue as possible if I was in his situation too..."new beginnings, let's go!". (Speculation as to what actually happened leaves this an open-ended discussion.)

Also remember that Ferentz left the door open for Brandon to rejoin the team once he got his personal issues in-line. Something happened along the way where BW3 did not want to come back to Iowa City...but would rather choose to go FURTHER away from home and join an arguably better team as a walk-on.

Gawd forbid any of you have ever made a mistake in your entire life. I find it hard to believe that we, as Hawkeye fans, can cast stones at this kid and wish him ill-will in his future endeavors.
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Seriously, some of the responses on this thread are extremely sickening and ignorant. Until any of you can actually know and understand what Brandon Wegher has experienced you have no right to judge him. Am I happy that he's leaving UofI for OK? No way. But for some of you clowns to judge and ridicule him for (apparently) getting a couple of girls pregnant and then transferring is nothing but ignorant. Just because a kid doesn't choose to play for our university doesn't mean that he's a bad human being.

Before you judge, think back to your college days (for those who actually attended college) and think about what it was like to be able to be independently "chase" 18-22 year old co-eds without mom and dad telling you to be home by 10pm every Saturday night.

Scale that experience up a little bit in being a top athlete at a major B1G Ten university...and the "talent-level" of the co-ed population increases dramatically.

Now, think back to all of the times that you had sexual relations with a girl in college. Guess what, Brandon Wegher is no more guilty than you were...he was unfortunate (or fortunate) to get a girl pregnant. You don't know if they were "responsible" or not...but to cast a stone at him for getting a girl pregnant is extremely ignorant if you personally had sex in college. It could have happened to ANYONE of YOU (that actually had sex in college).

If you didn't have intercourse in college....you either didn't go to college (which is cool) or you weren't with any ladies (which is also cool but the judgment could now also be passed to you).

Males tend to glamorize the art of "hooking up"...yet when a guy like Wegher is unfortunate to knock up a couple of girls (speculation) we perceive him as a bad human being. If the feedback he's gotten from Iowa City and the UofI campus is anywhere close to what is said on these boards then it's no wonder this kid wants to transfer. I'd want to get as far away from the issue as possible if I was in his situation too..."new beginnings, let's go!". (Speculation as to what actually happened leaves this an open-ended discussion.)

Also remember that Ferentz left the door open for Brandon to rejoin the team once he got his personal issues in-line. Something happened along the way where BW3 did not want to come back to Iowa City...but would rather choose to go FURTHER away from home and join an arguably better team as a walk-on.

Gawd forbid any of you have ever made a mistake in your entire life. I find it hard to believe that we, as Hawkeye fans, can cast stones at this kid and wish him ill-will in his future endeavors.

Seriously, some of the responses on this thread are extremely sickening and ignorant. Until any of you can actually know and understand what Brandon Wegher has experienced you have no right to judge him. Am I happy that he's leaving UofI for OK? No way. But for some of you clowns to judge and ridicule him for (apparently) getting a couple of girls pregnant and then transferring is nothing but ignorant. Just because a kid doesn't choose to play for our university doesn't mean that he's a bad human being.

Before you judge, think back to your college days (for those who actually attended college) and think about what it was like to be able to be independently "chase" 18-22 year old co-eds without mom and dad telling you to be home by 10pm every Saturday night.

Scale that experience up a little bit in being a top athlete at a major B1G Ten university...and the "talent-level" of the co-ed population increases dramatically.

Now, think back to all of the times that you had sexual relations with a girl in college. Guess what, Brandon Wegher is no more guilty than you were...he was unfortunate (or fortunate) to get a girl pregnant. You don't know if they were "responsible" or not...but to cast a stone at him for getting a girl pregnant is extremely ignorant if you personally had sex in college. It could have happened to ANYONE of YOU (that actually had sex in college).

If you didn't have intercourse in college....you either didn't go to college (which is cool) or you weren't with any ladies (which is also cool but the judgment could now also be passed to you).

Males tend to glamorize the art of "hooking up"...yet when a guy like Wegher is unfortunate to knock up a couple of girls (speculation) we perceive him as a bad human being. If the feedback he's gotten from Iowa City and the UofI campus is anywhere close to what is said on these boards then it's no wonder this kid wants to transfer. I'd want to get as far away from the issue as possible if I was in his situation too..."new beginnings, let's go!". (Speculation as to what actually happened leaves this an open-ended discussion.)

Also remember that Ferentz left the door open for Brandon to rejoin the team once he got his personal issues in-line. Something happened along the way where BW3 did not want to come back to Iowa City...but would rather choose to go FURTHER away from home and join an arguably better team as a walk-on.

Gawd forbid any of you have ever made a mistake in your entire life. I find it hard to believe that we, as Hawkeye fans, can cast stones at this kid and wish him ill-will in his future endeavors.

Is this the BW version of LEAVE BRITTNEY ALONE?
I agree Jon

If he playing for Iowa still a lot of this talk would not be going on. I wish him nothing but the best. You know guys the girls are not totally with out fault here. They knew the risk.

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