We were a late comeback against BSU from being 6-6, ouch

Powell had that catch early in the game against BSU there was no way it should have been overturned anyways. That would have been a completely different ball game if that call would have been made correctly. The call on the field was a complete pass and there was not enough evidence to overturn it. There was also several missed PI calls against BSU. Don't forget to that teamed finished second in it's conference last year and beat Indiana. Overcoming all the bad calls was not that small of an accomplishment.
I think the reason he singled that game out was because we needed 3 perfect offensive series and 3 perfect defensive series at the end to win that game. Our odds off winning midway through the 4th was probably 5% at best. We got incredibly lucky to excape with a win.

PCHawk is exactly correct, we were dead looking at a big upset by Ball St and we didnt need just one play to get a win, the hawks connected on about 30 offensive and defensive successful plays in the last 7 minutes or so to win.

Anybody can say "we were 3 plays away from being 10-2" although hawknick still hasnt told us what exact 3 plays he is talking about.

But in the Ball St and Pitt games we needed multiple multiple drives and defensive stops.

I used Ball St game as an example of a game we probably should have lost looking at the 4th qtr score.
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I would say the coaches should have totally realized the hawks didnt have a good running game after the first two games. This was a year like 2005 where we should have had a gunslinger like Tate in a guy like CJB flinging it all over the place at least for half the drives. Then you run draws and screens and swing passes to your running backs as your running game.

I could not believe how poorly we ran against the first 3 opponents.
Okay here are the 3 plays: Against the clowns, the bogus call on Lomax. If that is not called the clowns probably punt thus not TD drive and Iowa still has the lead late. Against the bugeaters, the 3 and 13 missed holding call where Meier was being held by #78 on their last TD drive. Once again they have to punt Iowa keeps the lead late. Against the cornsuckers, on their last field goal drive, what should have been offensive pass interference against Bell where he pushed off against Mabin, some how goes against Mabin instead. With the correct call of offensive pass interference that becomes a 2nd and 25 on the Neb. 13 and they are the odds are that they don't get that field goal late and Iowa maintains a 3 point lead and runs the time off the clock. Those 3 plays go the way they should and Iowa is likely 10-2.
Okay here are the 3 plays: Against the clowns, the bogus call on Lomax. If that is not called the clowns probably punt thus not TD drive and Iowa still has the lead late. Against the bugeaters, the 3 and 13 missed holding call where Meier was being held by #78 on their last TD drive. Once again they have to punt Iowa keeps the lead late. Against the cornsuckers, on their last field goal drive, what should have been offensive pass interference against Bell where he pushed off against Mabin, some how goes against Mabin instead. With the correct call of offensive pass interference that becomes a 2nd and 25 on the Neb. 13 and they are the odds are that they don't get that field goal late and Iowa maintains a 3 point lead and runs the time off the clock. Those 3 plays go the way they should and Iowa is likely 10-2.
To summarize, blame the refs.
He's actually right. It's just old watching us need a play to pull out a game that we had 15 opportunities to ice already.
Hammer meets nail head.

And it's just not bad luck in one game when it happens game after game and season after season.
Nobody is that unlucky.
I prefer to look at it on the positive side, and that is 3 plays from 10-2. Iowa made the plays to win 2 close games this year too and that is positive. Keep both the close wins, and make the plays to make more close games wins and things are even more positive.

If you're wife lost 100 pounds she'd be a playboy centerfold.

I chose to marry a woman who was already attractive rather than wear beer goggles for 40 years.

Guess which one of us made the better choice?
Okay here are the 3 plays: Against the clowns, the bogus call on Lomax. If that is not called the clowns probably punt thus not TD drive and Iowa still has the lead late. Against the bugeaters, the 3 and 13 missed holding call where Meier was being held by #78 on their last TD drive. Once again they have to punt Iowa keeps the lead late. Against the cornsuckers, on their last field goal drive, what should have been offensive pass interference against Bell where he pushed off against Mabin, some how goes against Mabin instead. With the correct call of offensive pass interference that becomes a 2nd and 25 on the Neb. 13 and they are the odds are that they don't get that field goal late and Iowa maintains a 3 point lead and runs the time off the clock. Those 3 plays go the way they should and Iowa is likely 10-2.
Fail. Every team can blame the refs for blown calls. Doesn't work.

The only plays the work are that are scoring chances and actual plays on the field. Example: Rudock missing a wide open WR. But so what, Armstrong overthrew a wide open WR, too.

The bad call on Maybin doesn't matter because if the call isn't made then the next play's outcome is unknown and non-existent.

But I'm still interested in the 3 plays that would have made 10 wins. Sounds like "that's football."
If you're wife lost 100 pounds she'd be a playboy centerfold.

I chose to marry a woman who was already attractive rather than wear beer goggles for 40 years.

Guess which one of us made the better choice?

That depends, I'd rather wear beer goggles than be married to the pretty town slut.
Okay here are the 3 plays: Against the clowns, the bogus call on Lomax. If that is not called the clowns probably punt thus not TD drive and Iowa still has the lead late. Against the bugeaters, the 3 and 13 missed holding call where Meier was being held by #78 on their last TD drive. Once again they have to punt Iowa keeps the lead late. Against the cornsuckers, on their last field goal drive, what should have been offensive pass interference against Bell where he pushed off against Mabin, some how goes against Mabin instead. With the correct call of offensive pass interference that becomes a 2nd and 25 on the Neb. 13 and they are the odds are that they don't get that field goal late and Iowa maintains a 3 point lead and runs the time off the clock. Those 3 plays go the way they should and Iowa is likely 10-2.

Well Hawknick, if I am reading your post above correctly you are only talking about the ISU and Nebby games, two games which if we won would have gave us a 9-3 record not 10-2. here I will help you. I agree with the Lomax call against ISU and I even go back earlier in that game to Jake's pick that if he doesnt throw the pick and give ISU the short field we probalby win.

I think Jake's pick 6 against Maryland was a play that if not made and he throws elsewhere or holds onto the ball then the terps would not have had an avalanche of points. But remember one play does not overcome 9 three and outs against the terps.

I agree with you about the officiating but many times officiating is not what you are talking about as far a making a play. I have already went ballistic about the terrible officiating yesterday, read my posts as I mention the same calls or non-calls you are saying and there were more.

I will help again by saying if we make one stop on wisky's last drive we might win that game.

What is really frustrating, which is my main point, is that this team should have won 9 or 10 games at the least. I really think coaching decisions, scheming and philosophy held this team back.

I thought the hawks were definitely better than Nebby after the last few weeks.
The Wisconsin game is in there too, 2 point game so any number of single plays could have changed the game. I think the point about the Maryland game is valid too. So maybe 5 plays away from and 11-1 season.
The Wisconsin game is in there too, 2 point game so any number of single plays could have changed the game. I think the point about the Maryland game is valid too. So maybe 5 plays away from and 11-1 season.

So you're saying we're an 11-1 team sitting at 7-5? Bro, stop hating on Kirk.
If you're wife lost 100 pounds she'd be a playboy centerfold.

I chose to marry a woman who was already attractive rather than wear beer goggles for 40 years.

Guess which one of us made the better choice?
Without a picture, we will never know.
Statistics would say if you need to make 5 plays you might get 2 or 3. I still go with the fact that developing experienced backups at Lbkr to step in was missing and few explosive plays in the running game made this an 8-9 win team that definitely stumbled against ISU and otherrs
Well Hawknick, if I am reading your post above correctly you are only talking about the ISU and Nebby games, two games which if we won would have gave us a 9-3 record not 10-2. here I will help you. I agree with the Lomax call against ISU and I even go back earlier in that game to Jake's pick that if he doesnt throw the pick and give ISU the short field we probalby win.

I think Jake's pick 6 against Maryland was a play that if not made and he throws elsewhere or holds onto the ball then the terps would not have had an avalanche of points. But remember one play does not overcome 9 three and outs against the terps.

I agree with you about the officiating but many times officiating is not what you are talking about as far a making a play. I have already went ballistic about the terrible officiating yesterday, read my posts as I mention the same calls or non-calls you are saying and there were more.

I will help again by saying if we make one stop on wisky's last drive we might win that game.

What is really frustrating, which is my main point, is that this team should have won 9 or 10 games at the least. I really think coaching decisions, scheming and philosophy held this team back.

I thought the hawks were definitely better than Nebby after the last few weeks.

Have to laugh my *** off when someone talks about an officials call costing us the ISU game. ISU is one of the five worst teams in d-1 football. They had no business being within 20 points of Iowa. Only an idiot head coach could find a way to score only 17 points against that band of misfits from Ames. Sad to say, that idiot was on the Iowa sidelines.
Have to laugh my *** off when someone talks about an officials call costing us the ISU game. ISU is one of the five worst teams in d-1 football. They had no business being within 20 points of Iowa. Only an idiot head coach could find a way to score only 17 points against that band of misfits from Ames. Sad to say, that idiot was on the Iowa sidelines.

I totally agree with you. I could not believe how soft and timid the hawks played against ISU. It was terrible.

I am with you that the hawks should have and could have put a 42-14 beat down on ISU. This was one of KF's worst losses since his first two years.
I prefer to look at it on the positive side, and that is 3 plays from 10-2. Iowa made the plays to win 2 close games this year too and that is positive. Keep both the close wins, and make the plays to make more close games wins and things are even more positive.

Kirk, that you? Keep the faith man and keep cashing them checks

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