We were a late comeback against BSU from being 6-6, ouch


Well-Known Member
If that doesnt make you cringe then you had better think twice about it.

I am thinking about it after yesterday's loss and factoring in the loss to ISU I have to say this coaching staff really underperformed and was outcoached.

Now players didnt perform on the field many times but I saw enough really good offensive line play, running straight ahead plays, passing and catching to say there was a huge coaching failure or letdown. We have really good tight ends, and a good offensive line (maybe not what it should have been but still good), we have a lack of big play running backs, but good receivers especially in T Smith and KMM as a possession type receiver (for KMM you have to forget a few drops and remember the many tough 3rd down catches he made over the middle like that one hander yesterday).

What would your mood be now if we were 6-6 which we could easily have been?
I thought about bringing this up as well. We would be 5-7 with no bowl if that happens and Rudock doesn't get hurt at Pitt.
Actually it's much worse after further evaluation.. Iowa is very fortunate to finish the year above .500. Truly fortunate we had CJB to pull out the victory at Pittsburgh and luckily for us Indiana Starting QB went down in 2nd quarter of that game. Seriously this season has been pathetic, might actually be one of the worst we've seen since I honestly don't know when..
Actually it's much worse after further evaluation.. Iowa is very fortunate to finish the year above .500. Truly fortunate we had CJB to pull out the victory at Pittsburgh and luckily for us Indiana Starting QB went down in 2nd quarter of that game. Seriously this season has been pathetic, might actually be one of the worst we've seen since I honestly don't know when..

That's a pretty damn good take on the Pitt game.
Iowa was also just a 3 plays away from being 10-2.

Yes they were if you want to look at it that way but please tell me how many times over the last 4 1/2 years has Iowa made that big play to pull out a win. Not very many compared to the avg or below average losses over those years.

You talk about 3 plays but I am talking about being behind Ball St for most of the game and dead to rights until Ball St went prevent and allowed us the win.

I am talking about 9-10 three and outs at Maryland which defies logic!!!!

The intensity from the game against Wisky compared to the rest of the year really makes me scratch my head and wonder about KF's motivational and head coaching ability going into games.
He's actually right. It's just old watching us need a play to pull out a game that we had 15 opportunities to ice already.

Boo Yah, this is the winning idea, how underachieving the program, play calling and overall execution and scoring is that puts these really good young men in the position they are in.

We should have taken 10 of those stupid wide sweep plays with canzeri and weisman and thrown the ball 50 yards instead each time. Odds are we would have caught 2 out of 10 and got a couple of PI calls.
I prefer to look at it on the positive side, and that is 3 plays from 10-2. Iowa made the plays to win 2 close games this year too and that is positive. Keep both the close wins, and make the plays to make more close games wins and things are even more positive.
I would like to be positive also but cant be about the offensive coaches. I think our defense was good enough to win 10 games. The offense proved it wasnt to me. You are talking about 3 plays.

What three plays are you talking about specifically?

There were about 10 offensive plays yesterday that would have wrapped up that game and counting the punt return where the coverage totally overran the returner and I would say that was 0-11.
I had the hawks winning yesterday 28-24 so I was positive. I thought we could beat Wisky with a real good tackling effort which the defense did for the most part but again the offense was underwhelming due to play calling in the first half.

We never once in 12 games had a complete 4 qtrs of offense
The point is why does the original poster choose to single out the Ball state game when Iowa played in lots of close games this year, both wins and losses. In fact lets break it down.

Close wins (3)
UNI, Ball Sate, Pitt

Close losses (4)
ISU, MD, Wisc, Neb

BLOWOUT/Solid Wins (4)
INDY, NW, Purdue, ILL

BLOWOUT losses (1)

So Iowa was 3-4 in close games and 4-1 in blowout games.

This suggests Iowa's overall record should have been 8-4, which suggests once again they under achieved.
The point is why does the original poster choose to single out the Ball state game when Iowa played in lots of close games this year, both wins and losses. In fact lets break it down.

Close wins (3)
UNI, Ball Sate, Pitt

Close losses (4)
ISU, MD, Wisc, Neb

BLOWOUT/Solid Wins (4)
INDY, NW, Purdue, ILL

BLOWOUT losses (1)

So Iowa was 3-4 in close games and 4-1 in blowout games.

This suggests Iowa's overall record should have been 8-4, which suggests once again they under achieved.

Fair enough, but I'm not giving KF too much credit for those close wins over BSU and UNI.. They shouldn't have been THAT close.
The point is why does the original poster choose to single out the Ball state game when Iowa played in lots of close games this year, both wins and losses. In fact lets break it down.

Close wins (3)
UNI, Ball Sate, Pitt

Close losses (4)
ISU, MD, Wisc, Neb

BLOWOUT/Solid Wins (4)
INDY, NW, Purdue, ILL

BLOWOUT losses (1)

So Iowa was 3-4 in close games and 4-1 in blowout games.

This suggests Iowa's overall record should have been 8-4, which suggests once again they under achieved.

I think the reason he singled that game out was because we needed 3 perfect offensive series and 3 perfect defensive series at the end to win that game. Our odds off winning midway through the 4th was probably 5% at best. We got incredibly lucky to excape with a win.
The disappointments for me, this season are:

* Our record.
* The personnel that played.
* Missed opportunity to have a high flying and explosive offense.

This season was like having a poster of Farrah Fawcet wearing a parka and boots on my bedroom wall. I mean, this team could truly have been sexy, on offense.

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