We now have 12 years of data to go by and this is what we know....

Iowa's record in that games includes some games like the Arkansas State game from last season where Iowa should have dominated an inferior opponent, and some games like Penn State from 2008 where Iowa beat a clearly more talented team.

Honest question, would you say the number of games where Iowa has beaten a clearly more talented number team outnumber the games where Iowa has lost to a materially inferior opponent in the Ferentz era?

Games I can think of off the top of my head where we beat what looked like a materially better team:

PSU 2008 and maybe 2009, maybe also that year we won 6-4
Michigan 2003
Purdue 2004 (I think Orton was out, though so not sure if that counts)
Illinois 2007

Games where we lost to a materially weaker opponent
Many ISU games (2005 particularly sticks out)
Many NU games (2005, 2008, 2009 and 2010 particularly stick out)
Indiana 2006 and 2007
Western Michigan 2007
Illinois 2008
from a guy that joined this month. interesting.

The OP forgot #6.

Some "fans" (and I use the term loosely) are absolutely absurdly retarded after losses, even when the EXACT same staff and style of play resulted in an 11 win year a season ago.

I think we are seeing that last year was a fluke season similar to 2002. Losing all of these close games this year and in '08 shows that it is more consistent for this staff/scheme/whatever, to lose close games than to win them. I also don't like how Ferentz is never willing to admit that maybe coaching mistakes played a part in a lose. It's always "we didn't execute" and "give the other team all the credit". At some point he has to realize that what he's doing is broken and needs fixed. I'm not saying fire Ferentz, fire all the staff, but there are obvious problems with game plans and decisions and it doesn't seem like he's willing to admit that change is needed for the program to progress.
Great thread whether I agree or disagree, however we're missing something on the KOK front. As stated he's been OC for 12 years now and we're seeing the exact same things which means two things. First, the conservative mentality is being promoted from the Captain himself, and has very little to do with KOK. IF Kirk want things changed offensively, regardless of loyalty, things would have changed by now. Secondly, as far as the defense is right combination of players is the most important thing for a defensive scheme that depends on playing within our "system".
I like KF as a coach and think this is a great place for him and have learned to shut my mouth about the style we play on both sides of the ball because it is not going ot change as long as he's still coach. It may be minutely altered, but will not change and that is something that we are going to have to deal with.
I like KF, but he has to ask himself some hard questions during the offseason. The whole program seems to be infected with a passive approach. I don't advocate being reckless but you have to put pressure on the other team on both sides of the ball.

Clock management has to improve. It's obvious this is a huge weakness for KF and KOK.

I also wonder if we are getting the best athletes on the field. I really feel we have some significant weaknesses in our defensive backfield that need to be addressed.

I don't expect to see KF turn Iowa in to the Oregon of the Midwest, but I hope some serious self-scouting goes on.
If Iowa,the team and players,alumni and fans have an expectation of the next level changes have to come.
The old comment of this is Iowa no beaches yada yada yada might have been a reason in the past but KF has exceeded that level and its time to step up and continue to learn and grow in life. We all have to and it should be a compliment to KF for building the program to this level but its time to shift up a gear.

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