We now have 12 years of data to go by and this is what we know....

1. We have the best coaches in the country in terms of player development. No coaching staff in America coaches their players up and gets them to their full potential like this coaching staff does.

2. We have, perhaps, the worst game day coaching staff in the country. From managing end-of-half and end-of-game scenarios, to making adjustments to what the opponent is doing in-game, to making adjustments based on what your own team is doing (i.e. Coker was gashing this team, so why go away from it?).

3. This coaching staff is fully incapable of managing a team full of expectations. We have yet to win a Big Ten Championship with a team that was expected to contend for one.

4. This coaching staff expects it's teams to execute flawlessly in order to win a game and manages to that expectation. If the team doesn't, then there is automatically a built-in excuse (i.e. "We just didn't execute today").

It is very difficult for me to say this, but I think that once the season is over, if this coaching staff is unwilling to put in the work necessary in order to change the way it manages in-game situations and/or refuses to acknolwedge there's even an issue (other than "execution"), then it's time for the Iowa administration to make the changes itself.

I honestly don't believe there's an issue much with our BASE schemes. They are good schemes to have as a base offense/defense, but we HAVE GOT TO be willing to mix it up based on who the opponent is and what the opponent may be doing/not doing during the game.
agree. it's the same thing every year. last year we got the lucky breaks, this year is more of what will happen when you play not to lose.
#1 Ditto plus 1000

#2 Sorta. Up until this year we often had great half time adjustments (let’s not forget Norm has been out)

#3 Expectations are just expectations… forget about it.

#4 The coaches “blaming it” on execution. You are right on about this and the coaches need to look themselves in their faces and self scout. What is it that we can do to put are players in a position to win? Why do we keep losing to NW? Why in the last year our defense has let down and the O can’t run a winning two minute drive in 4 games this year?
I love the Hawkeyes, the state, the players and the program and… and well (?) the coaches who are making 6 and 7 figures. Come on guys… suck it up and take some responsibility.

Coaches? I'm listening.
We have discussed all this stuff for about 3 weeks ad nausem.......Based on that 'hawks against the world' article jon posted last week very little will change. I do think the bowl game will be it for Norm..........But more than likely Phil will get the job.
1. We have the best coaches in the country in terms of player development. No coaching staff in America coaches their players up and gets them to their full potential like this coaching staff does.

2. We have, perhaps, the worst game day coaching staff in the country. From managing end-of-half and end-of-game scenarios, to making adjustments to what the opponent is doing in-game, to making adjustments based on what your own team is doing (i.e. Coker was gashing this team, so why go away from it?).

3. This coaching staff is fully incapable of managing a team full of expectations. We have yet to win a Big Ten Championship with a team that was expected to contend for one.

4. This coaching staff expects it's teams to execute flawlessly in order to win a game and manages to that expectation. If the team doesn't, then there is automatically a built-in excuse (i.e. "We just didn't execute today").

It is very difficult for me to say this, but I think that once the season is over, if this coaching staff is unwilling to put in the work necessary in order to change the way it manages in-game situations and/or refuses to acknolwedge there's even an issue (other than "execution"), then it's time for the Iowa administration to make the changes itself.

I honestly don't believe there's an issue much with our BASE schemes. They are good schemes to have as a base offense/defense, but we HAVE GOT TO be willing to mix it up based on who the opponent is and what the opponent may be doing/not doing during the game.

Dude, I agree a million percent and that's why I snapped last week. I love seeing the kids coming through the program and making it to the league, but I can't help but think that almost any other coaching staff with our level of talent walks in and blows out teams like NU and Indiana and we should have been 0-2 against them but for a dropped pass, I just don't know what to think about this staff in terms of game prep and in game decision making.
how do you make significant changes without heads rollin? Besides Norm and probably a new DB coach because Phil will get promoted.....there won't be significant changes to the staff.
how do you make significant changes without heads rollin? Besides Norm and probably a new DB coach because Phil will get promoted.....there won't be significant changes to the staff.

Dude, I'm working on a plan to get O'Keefe elected president so Ferentz doesn't lose face or admit the mistakes of the past by firing him. O'Keefe is qualified for one job and one job only in this economy, President of the United States.
KOK would actually make a decent president, doing the opposite of what a president SHOULD do might actually work
I'm fine with letting KOK go now. He's had 12 years. Please let someone else have a shot. I agree with the above posters, Norm is probably done after this year.
I like KF, but he has to ask himself some hard questions during the offseason. The whole program seems to be infected with a passive approach. I don't advocate being reckless but you have to put pressure on the other team on both sides of the ball.

Clock management has to improve. It's obvious this is a huge weakness for KF and KOK.

I also wonder if we are getting the best athletes on the field. I really feel we have some significant weaknesses in our defensive backfield that need to be addressed.

I don't expect to see KF turn Iowa in to the Oregon of the Midwest, but I hope some serious self-scouting goes on.
I like KF, but he has to ask himself some hard questions during the offseason. The whole program seems to be infected with a passive approach. I don't advocate being reckless but you have to put pressure on the other team on both sides of the ball.

Clock management has to improve. It's obvious this is a huge weakness for KF and KOK.

I also wonder if we are getting the best athletes on the field. I really feel we have some significant weaknesses in our defensive backfield that need to be addressed.

I don't expect to see KF turn Iowa in to the Oregon of the Midwest, but I hope some serious self-scouting goes on.

Post of the year.

I appreciate the kind words, but this isn't a post I enjoyed making, that's for sure because I respect the hell out of KF and what he's brought to this program and this university. I've cheered along with him and I've cried along with him. At the end of the day, he's a helluva human being.....which is a lot more important than being a helluva coach.

It's just a tough deal to figure out what is best for the Hawkeyes moving forward. As we all know, talent doesn't just come flocking to Iowa City on a regular basis. Because of that, it's tough to just outright demand new blood on the sidelines because we won't find another staff that will get more out of it's players than this staff will. However, there has to be a better way of utilizing the talent that this staff does so well in developing.

As I mentioned before, I'm not in favor of changing the basic scheme. I like the base pro-style offense and I like the base 4-3 defense. But there are certain teams and certain situations that call for a different approach. Contrary to the somewhat condescending statements coach has made on occasion concerning fans' frustrations with the offense and defense, this doesn't mean you make wholesale changes to your approach or strategy. What it does, mean, though, is an acknowlegement that sometimes the situation or the opponent, or heck, even your own performance in a given game, call for a change in the TACTICS, while still maintaining your STRATEGIC approach.

I hope there's some quality self-review by this staff after the year and some changes implemented moving forward. They've done it before, from bowl game preparation, to playing true freshman, to taking shots downfield, etc. I know they have it in them.....the question is, do they have the will at this point in their careers to actually do it. I, for one, certainly hope so!!
I think all of Norms millions of years of experience in games really is something that they are missing, I mean this is a guy who has been coaching as long as Joe Paterno. Hes got tons and tons and tons of experience. You have to consider that some of these brainfarts by the coaches has a lot to do with the fact that the most experienced man on the staff hasnt been around all season.
I really like KF as well. I do think he has to push himself to look critically at the program. He has a huge contract, great staff loyalty, an administration that worships him and is in no danger of being fired absent years of ineptitude. It would be awfully easy for him to be content.

If he is not content, some tweaking will be evident in the game planning and time management. If we don't see some different things next year, I think we know KF will be riding the same philosophical horse until he retires.

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