Using an offense from 30 to 50 years is not only predictable but it keeps a lot of great athletes on the bench. Using 1 and 2 receiver sets during the whole game leaves very little options to the quarterback which might explain the 16 for 40 completion average. We were told before the season started that we were going to utilize more of our talent, other than Ohio State game they haven't. Open it up and your running game will be better as well. Why not try 4 and 5 receiver sets with a lot of speed and quickness which might include Bullock and Canzeri flanked out on the same play and our big backs to block or run. The offensive philosophy has to change now or start to see an erosion in attendance. I don't expect us to win all our games but I do like to be entertained with some exciting offense like everyone else is with a half way decent team. The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting different results and I have just about had enough. After going to games for 40 years I am going to give it up. As a loyal hawk fan I will still root them on and watch the games. I know of no other way to get the attention of the athletic department than with your pocket book. It worked with the basketball program.