We don't want them

If these guys want to make stupid decisions and jeporadize their current career or their future career I don't want them in a black and gold uni. I played football in college, but wasn't as gifted as these guys and wasn't given a free scholorship and I was still able to make good decisions for my team, school, and fans. There's a fine line between partying and being stupid. I understand the players feel as if this season is a total wasted but why make things worse and make those decisions. Just kills me to see guys with this talent throw theirselves out there for anyone to take advantage of them and make a stupid decision. I have been to Iowa City and partied with some football players and you can tell who is in it for the team and who is just there to party and doesn't give a crap. Do they test for drugs all year round or is it just a "in season" thing?
There was no confirmation that Jewel or A-Rob tested positive. We'll never know why Jewel is leaving (which is no different than any other transfer), and it sounded like A-Rob's issues were academics again. So how about we stop with spreading baseless rumors?
Agree completely. Nobody is bigger than the team and as soon as people start thinking they are, small problems become major ones.
If these guys want to make stupid decisions and jeporadize their current career or their future career I don't want them in a black and gold uni. I played football in college, but wasn't as gifted as these guys and wasn't given a free scholorship and I was still able to make good decisions for my team, school, and fans. There's a fine line between partying and being stupid. I understand the players feel as if this season is a total wasted but why make things worse and make those decisions. Just kills me to see guys with this talent throw theirselves out there for anyone to take advantage of them and make a stupid decision. I have been to Iowa City and partied with some football players and you can tell who is in it for the team and who is just there to party and doesn't give a crap. Do they test for drugs all year round or is it just a "in season" thing?

If you played in college, at any level, then you would also know that there was a good percentage of your teammates that did make the stupid choices, and some of them were your teams best players.

It seems as if people think this is just something that happens at Iowa. It happens at every school. I am upset that our players make these stupid decisions, but am not naive enough think it doesn't happen EVERYWHERE else.
There was no confirmation that Jewel or A-Rob tested positive. We'll never know why Jewel is leaving (which is no different than any other transfer), and it sounded like A-Rob's issues were academics again. So how about we stop with spreading baseless rumors?

There weren't really any rumors in there. I took this to mean not only the drug issue with DJK but also some of the ego issues and stuff that we heard about throughout the year. Just guys in general being in it for themselves.
If these guys want to make stupid decisions and jeporadize their current career or their future career I don't want them in a black and gold uni. I played football in college, but wasn't as gifted as these guys and wasn't given a free scholorship and I was still able to make good decisions for my team, school, and fans. There's a fine line between partying and being stupid. I understand the players feel as if this season is a total wasted but why make things worse and make those decisions. Just kills me to see guys with this talent throw theirselves out there for anyone to take advantage of them and make a stupid decision. I have been to Iowa City and partied with some football players and you can tell who is in it for the team and who is just there to party and doesn't give a crap. Do they test for drugs all year round or is it just a "in season" thing?
DJK is a senior that will still end up playing in the NFL for a lot less money. Jewel had two injuries and will transfer and A-Rob has some class issues that need to be cleaned up. So, where does the comment "these guys" come from? Kirk said he expects A-Rob to be back with the team in January. We had one arrest, one dejected injured player and an academic casualty. Why paint everyone with the same brush? Are you hoping that there is more trash out there?
There weren't really any rumors in there. I took this to mean not only the drug issue with DJK but also some of the ego issues and stuff that we heard about throughout the year. Just guys in general being in it for themselves.

"Fine line between partying and stupid"? "These guys" want to make stupid choices to jeapordize their careers? That implicates more than just DJK. Jewel might have failed/refused a drug test, but we don't know, nor will we ever. A-Rob's suspension is about grades. So implicating them in the above remarks is not fair to them. Same goes for the rest of the team.

DJK is the only one who screwed up with drugs, as far as we know. If the OP wants to take a shot at him, fine. But leave it at DJK.
I'm not really referring A-rob and Hampton as "those guys". I'm more saying the guys who tested positive to whatever it may be. I know when I was in college guys smoked weed all the time on my team, I'm just saying can't it wait until after the season when there isn't as much on the table. I know when football was done and it was offseason we did whatever we wanted but when the season came there were the guys who knew they had to stay clean to perform well and the guys who could just show up and play after doing drugs the previous day or weekend.
I'm not really referring A-rob and Hampton as "those guys". I'm more saying the guys who tested positive to whatever it may be.

Who? Do you know that ANYONE tested positive?

While it's possible some players tested positive we don't know about (since the first offense generally results in counseling and is not made public), that's been true every year since Iowa's testing program began in 1988.
I'm not really referring A-rob and Hampton as "those guys". I'm more saying the guys who tested positive to whatever it may be. I know when I was in college guys smoked weed all the time on my team, I'm just saying can't it wait until after the season when there isn't as much on the table. I know when football was done and it was offseason we did whatever we wanted but when the season came there were the guys who knew they had to stay clean to perform well and the guys who could just show up and play after doing drugs the previous day or weekend.

Agee 100%. You are a better person for only partying and doing illegal things when it best suited you. Not only that, but I'd advocate any program that aims to support good decisions 5 months out of the year and then turn them loose to go buck wild. Furthermore, I will continue in your effort to refuse to understand that all of the talk of drug tests and failed drug tests were all rumors started by idiots with no friends on their computer (cough, cough, point, point).

Well spoken.
Get off your holier than though throne! What if that was your kid? Your family member? Would you be singing the same tune? DJK made a bad choice. If you are that naive to think one of your kids, your grandkids, your nephews or nieces haven't participated in recreational drugs or alcohol then you are just plain stupid. I pity any child you have contact with if you treat them with the attitude of "I don't want you if you mess up." What a shame.
Agee 100%. You are a better person for only partying and doing illegal things when it best suited you. Not only that, but I'd advocate any program that aims to support good decisions 5 months out of the year and then turn them loose to go buck wild. Furthermore, I will continue in your effort to refuse to understand that all of the talk of drug tests and failed drug tests were all rumors started by idiots with no friends on their computer (cough, cough, point, point).

Well spoken.

I <3 this response.
I'm not really referring A-rob and Hampton as "those guys". I'm more saying the guys who tested positive to whatever it may be. I know when I was in college guys smoked weed all the time on my team, I'm just saying can't it wait until after the season when there isn't as much on the table. I know when football was done and it was offseason we did whatever we wanted but when the season came there were the guys who knew they had to stay clean to perform well and the guys who could just show up and play after doing drugs the previous day or weekend.

And where, exactly, is the concrete evidence of this? Nowhere to be found. Rumors is all they are. Now stop spreading them unless you and your source(s) are willing to be COMPLETELY transparent: lay out your names, connection to the team, etc., and provide evidence to support the latter. While you're at it, supply test results.

Until you do that, it's time to cut out the rumor-mongering.

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