We do NOT want Stoops.


Well-Known Member
Think of what kind of nightmare this would bring. All sorts of media attention that just screams hey look at us we are trying to put our program back together. We dont need that target on our back. The coaches dont need other teams knowing what Iowa football is up to.

Also this Stoops guy probaly wont stay in our recruiting areas. He will want to mix it up and mess with what Kirk has set in place.

What if Stoops doesnt get along with Ken? Im sorry but if the coaches dont gel then we could be looking at a meltdown.

The coaches dont need to spend half of their day explaining to recruits who Mike Stoops is when Phil Parker is a household name.

If I was Kirk I would hold a presser right now and let the hawkeye nation know that Stoops will have nothing to do with Iowa football.
As far as recruiting goes, I would like someone who gets us back into Florida. Outside of Rudock, who have we gotten from the Sunshine State lately? We used to have quite a few guys from there, and they were key players.

This why I would love to have MARK Stoops. It won't happen, though.
My only concern with Stoops is how long would he stay? Already having head coaching experience his name will come up for head coaching jobs in the future.
I'm not sure what to make of this. It's too full of derp to be a serious post, and it's not funny enough to be an attempt at humor.
I'm not sure what to make of this. It's too full of derp to be a serious post, and it's not funny enough to be an attempt at humor.

Hey Pal, why dont you head back to off topic. Some of us like talking Iowa football. I dont need to hear any of your lame *** jokes.
In reality its mostly about the "Jimmy's and the Joe's" and less about the X's and the O's.

Norm's system was pretty good...when we had good players. Right now there is an increasing talent gap, and I don't care what scheme you run, or who coaches them: Sometimes you can't make chicken salad out of chicken-crap.

Iowa needs recruiting help ASAP. Coach K hasn't done real well in the state of Florida. Our Texas ties died along with the retirement of Carl Jackson.

Iowa does a great job of coaching players. Our talent level right now however isn't top shelf in the Big10.

In terms of the top teams we are falling behind.

We need an infusion of recruiting talent, more than we need: fire, scheme change, aggressiveness, blah, blah, blah. It really is as simple as WE NEED BETTER FOOTBALL TALENT.

Phil Parker is viewed unfairly by fans IMO. He's a solid coach, who has had coordinator options at mid level FBS level and turned them down to stay at Iowa.

Do we need new blood? Possibly. I don't have an issue with that, but I still believe Phil Parker is under valued by the fans. He will land on his feet somewhere if its not Iowa.

I don't know why everyone is ruling out co-coordinators. Has Ferentz said it won't happen? Seems to be a way Kirk could go to try and make everyone happy (not that I agree with it).

I'm of the opinion that Stoops would probably be too much of a distraction initially, and could end up dividing a staff. Emphasis on could. Too many chiefs, not enough Indians sort of thing.
Hey Pal, why dont you head back to off topic. Some of us like talking Iowa football. I dont need to hear any of your lame *** jokes.

Think of what kind of nightmare this would bring. All sorts of media attention that just screams hey look at us we are trying to put our program back together. We dont need that target on our back. The coaches dont need other teams knowing what Iowa football is up to.

Also this Stoops guy probaly wont stay in our recruiting areas. He will want to mix it up and mess with what Kirk has set in place.

What if Stoops doesnt get along with Ken? Im sorry but if the coaches dont gel then we could be looking at a meltdown.

The coaches dont need to spend half of their day explaining to recruits who Mike Stoops is when Phil Parker is a household name.

If I was Kirk I would hold a presser right now and let the hawkeye nation know that Stoops will have nothing to do with Iowa football.

How on earth would hiring a former Iowa guy scream "we are putting our program back together"? That's just stoopid with 2 o's.

Second what do we have to put our program back from? We just came off our best decade in school history?

Third LOL at the media creating a firestorm about who we hire as a DC. The national media could are less.

E) LOL at the thought he comes in and stirs things up with other coaches.
We need cohesiveness amongst the staff if that means keep it in house with phil parker so be it. I would like Stoops because he would bring different schemes and energy, but that energy might not flow with everyone else on the staff. Aiken would be nice to have back in IC IMO. We shall see as long as it isn't WILSON I will be fine with it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-zaO-hUYag]scene from cast away,.....wilson !! - YouTube[/ame]

I'm sorry Wilson!! its just how I feel.
Think of what kind of nightmare this would bring. All sorts of media attention that just screams hey look at us we are trying to put our program back together. We dont need that target on our back. The coaches dont need other teams knowing what Iowa football is up to.

Also this Stoops guy probaly wont stay in our recruiting areas. He will want to mix it up and mess with what Kirk has set in place.

What if Stoops doesnt get along with Ken? Im sorry but if the coaches dont gel then we could be looking at a meltdown.

The coaches dont need to spend half of their day explaining to recruits who Mike Stoops is when Phil Parker is a household name.

If I was Kirk I would hold a presser right now and let the hawkeye nation know that Stoops will have nothing to do with Iowa football.

So any other coach and nobody can figure out what we are up to? Iowa football under KF has always been "this is what we do, see if you can beat us."

The OC and DC aren't required to get along, they work on opposite sides of the ball. Buddy Ryan put together the most dominating defense in NFL history at Chicago and he didn't get along with anyone, including the head coach.

Why does it matter where a recruit is from: if they are good and they are playing for Iowa I couldn't care less where they are from.

Phil Parker isn't well known outside of the Hawkeye community, Mike Stoops was the head coach of a BCS school and has a nationally recognize name.
Think of what kind of nightmare this would bring. All sorts of media attention that just screams hey look at us we are trying to put our program back together. We dont need that target on our back. The coaches dont need other teams knowing what Iowa football is up to.

Also this Stoops guy probaly wont stay in our recruiting areas. He will want to mix it up and mess with what Kirk has set in place.

What if Stoops doesnt get along with Ken? Im sorry but if the coaches dont gel then we could be looking at a meltdown.

The coaches dont need to spend half of their day explaining to recruits who Mike Stoops is when Phil Parker is a household name.

If I was Kirk I would hold a presser right now and let the hawkeye nation know that Stoops will have nothing to do with Iowa football.

I'm sure you'll get your wish...I'd be shocked if Phil Parker doesn't get the job.

Kirk has a chance to swing for the fences on this one....but he'll probably bunt instead.
Think of what kind of nightmare this would bring. All sorts of media attention that just screams hey look at us we are trying to put our program back together. We dont need that target on our back. The coaches dont need other teams knowing what Iowa football is up to.

Also this Stoops guy probaly wont stay in our recruiting areas. He will want to mix it up and mess with what Kirk has set in place.

What if Stoops doesnt get along with Ken? Im sorry but if the coaches dont gel then we could be looking at a meltdown.

The coaches dont need to spend half of their day explaining to recruits who Mike Stoops is when Phil Parker is a household name.

If I was Kirk I would hold a presser right now and let the hawkeye nation know that Stoops will have nothing to do with Iowa football.

how's the weather chicken little?
So any other coach and nobody can figure out what we are up to? Iowa football under KF has always been "this is what we do, see if you can beat us."

The OC and DC aren't required to get along, they work on opposite sides of the ball. Buddy Ryan put together the most dominating defense in NFL history at Chicago and he didn't get along with anyone, including the head coach.

Why does it matter where a recruit is from: if they are good and they are playing for Iowa I couldn't care less where they are from.

Phil Parker isn't well known outside of the Hawkeye community, Mike Stoops was the head coach of a BCS school and has a nationally recognize name.

The coaches do need to get along. Can you image if Ken sat in Mike Stoops seat on the plane?

What if Stoops recruiting trips are farther away? How do we come up with the extra coin for fuel costs, hotels, and eating out?

I dont think you understand how well known Phil Parker is. He got a lot of good press for keeping the ship right while Norm was out.
how's the weather chicken little?

If you are saying Im scared then yes you are correct.

I am scared that this guy Stoops comes in and yells at our football players. Then they have to play under stress. I would think a fair amount of them will quit. So yes Im scared.
The coaches do need to get along. Can you image if Ken sat in Mike Stoops seat on the plane?

What if Stoops recruiting trips are farther away? How do we come up with the extra coin for fuel costs, hotels, and eating out?

I dont think you understand how well known Phil Parker is. He got a lot of good press for keeping the ship right while Norm was out.

Now I'm at the same place Duff was when he made his first post in this thread.
So any other coach and nobody can figure out what we are up to? Iowa football under KF has always been "this is what we do, see if you can beat us." The OC and DC aren't required to get along, they work on opposite sides of the ball. Buddy Ryan put together the most dominating defense in NFL history at Chicago and he didn't get along with anyone, including the head coach. Why does it matter where a recruit is from: if they are good and they are playing for Iowa I couldn't care less where they are from. Phil Parker isn't well known outside of the Hawkeye community, Mike Stoops was the head coach of a BCS school and has a nationally recognize name.
The coaches do need to get along. Can you image if Ken sat in Mike Stoops seat on the plane? What if Stoops recruiting trips are farther away? How do we come up with the extra coin for fuel costs, hotels, and eating out? I dont think you understand how well known Phil Parker is. He got a lot of good press for keeping the ship right well Norm was out.

Those arguements are terrible lol, 1. they are not middle schoolers on a school bus and B. we aren't exactly poor, extra coin for recruiting trips? eating out?
I like Mike Stoops. That being said, why not Mark Stoops as D.C. with that wink, wink moment. He brings Florida recruiting back in focus. I think he would be a great H.C. in waiting until Kirk hangs it up!

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