We are a broken team.

Team doesn't deserve a bid. Fran's seat is blazing right now

I understand throwing a tantrum when your team isn't playing up to your expectations. I'm disappointed and disgusted with this team right now.

But to say that Fran is on the hot seat now after taking over one of the worst programs in the country a few years ago...well, I like you because you make me feel smart.
Watch out Nebraska trolls on twitter trying to grab our basketball recruits...I never thought I would say those words.
Fran's seat is blazing. What the hell is going through your mind? We're going to watch this guy transform the program from last in the conference to an at large bid in the tournament in three seasons, then promptly fire him.

And I think he's even had an extension since his original deal.
The team has played poorly, but my God why does every team shoot lights out against us?? We've missed so many wide open 3 pointers, and they make everything. It's just freakin ridiculous.

If we could make wide open shots at the same rate as our opponents make throw up prayer shots, we would be in good shape.
Funny thing is I was crucified on here for saying this team would be better off without Marble. Now people are starting to realize it. It's obvious nobody on this team likes him. Kid is ridiculously selfish. Tweeting his own stats to flaunt himself. Always posting pictures of himself. Always retweeteing articles about him and his shoes and ****. He is the problem. Anybody else notice how when somebody gets hot he tries to take their thunder and tried to one up them? Seen in multiple games. Somebody hits 3 threes in a row he comes down and tries to match it even if their wide open.

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