Wasn't O'Keefe both Sherman and Ferentz's boss at one point?


Well-Known Member
Back when O'Keefe was head coach of an academy team, right? Pretty nice staff there.

Sherman's background is offense, isn't it? So probably not a defensive coordinator candidate.

Let him coach the offensive line? He's probably happy to collect his $9 million and do nothing, but you never know.
Back when O'Keefe was head coach of an academy team, right? Pretty nice staff there.

Sherman's background is offense, isn't it? So probably not a defensive coordinator candidate.

Let him coach the offensive line? He's probably happy to collect his $9 million and do nothing, but you never know.

I think you're referring to Mike Sherman, Ken O'Keefe, and Kirk Ferentz. If not, then just disregard this. If those are the guys you're referring to, then no, they've never coached together. O'Keefe and Ferentz have only coached together and Iowa. Sherman has never been on a staff with either of the other two.

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