Was IU Jobbed??

Indiana scores a lot of points because its strategy is to score as many points as possible. Which means they have lots of possessions, which tires out their inferior defense, a defense which simply can not make a stop on the 4Q.

Its a strategy that simply does not work in the Big10. RichRod found this strategy does not even work at Michigan. I am amazed that Wilson has not been fired yet at Indiana.
Indiana scores a lot of points because its strategy is to score as many points as possible. Which means they have lots of possessions, which tires out their inferior defense, a defense which simply can not make a stop on the 4Q.

Its a strategy that simply does not work in the Big10. RichRod found this strategy does not even work at Michigan. I am amazed that Wilson has not been fired yet at Indiana.

At most schools, I'd agree.

However, at FB-starved IU, making a bowl game is a Godsend. No matter how you get there. Wilson will be around for awhile.
The best view in the stadium is from under the post. I have to side with the official. Everyone who thinks it looked good from the camera mounted to the crossbar doesn't understand line of sight and angles.
At most schools, I'd agree.

However, at FB-starved IU, making a bowl game is a Godsend. No matter how you get there. Wilson will be around for awhile.

I have a good friend that played FB for Indiana back in the day and is an insider to the program. When they hired Wilson, they chose to offer him over Brady Hoke, who was at SDSU at the time. I told him they made the wrong choice. I can admit when I'm wrong. :eek:

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