VOTE: The Biggest Iowa FB Plays in Last 50 Years

What's the biggest Iowa Football Play?

  • Rob Houghtlin's field goal; #1 Iowa beats #2 Michigan

    Votes: 67 37.2%
  • Tate to Holloway; Hawks Win Cap One

    Votes: 50 27.8%
  • Stanzi to McNutt; Culminating 'The Drive'

    Votes: 54 30.0%
  • Hartlieb to Cook, at OSU in 1987

    Votes: 9 5.0%

  • Total voters
Hard not to vote for the Houghtlin kick or the catch by Marv, but tonight made history as for the first time in about 140 years of Iowa Football, the Hawks are 8-0.

So the Saturday night catch to McNutt gets my vote.
I think you should also have to state your age before you answer.


I'd say this:

The Kick is #1.
It was #1 vs #2, it was Hayden vs Bo, it was Brent Musberger, it was in Kinnick, and with the power of hindsight, we know what a huge, huge victory that turned out to be and what it meant for the program over all. That was the defining moment of the defining season for Iowa Football. Tonight was amazing, but not... unprecedented. Not program-defining (yet?). I'd put tonight at #3. It might move to #2 by season's end though.
Really, if you include a play from a season in-progress, that play shoudl pretty much automatically be 3rd, as we don't have the benefit of hindsight to put said play into context with anything other than other great plays from that same season in-progress.

My thoughts exactly (47) I was at the other two games. This drive will (maybe?) be marked in a season of unbelievable last second plays and will prove to rank differently at season's end, but the #1 v #2 game was certainly THE defining game and season that got us to here.
I voted for the Houghtlin's field goal. It was a #1 vs a #2 to win the game. "The Drive" could end up being #1 if Iowa continues to go undeafted and win the National Championship provided there aren't any other plays this year that save the season. During this the Cardiac Kids Hawkeyes of 09
For me it is Tate to Holloway. Mainly because I was there and it got us a win over the mighty SEC power team. Last night is a close second. Stll can't believe the drive. As a Bronco Fan that brings back memories.
Cap 1 bowl for sure. Remember it is greatest "plays" not games or drives.

I was at Kinnick as a 14 year old kid in 1985 but when you think about it that was only a field goal that he should have made.

Last night was incredible too but I gotta go with Drew Tate on this one.

I was there and all I remember was this mass confusion as to why Hawks didnt realize the clock was running. I never did hear the ref say there was offensive penalty causing the clock to run. It was a perfect pass in the most unlikely scenarios against a National Championship winning secondary. To even add sugar to it it was against Saban who allegedly is a secondary coaching god.
My first thought was Houghtlin's FG, and if the question was most *significant play*, that is how I would have voted (since it was #1 vs #2 and it really brought the Iowa FB into the national spotlight).

Since the question was about the "biggest" play, I went with Tate to Holloway. Last second TD in a New Year's Day bowl doesn't get much bigger than that.

It is too early to judge last night's play.
No brainer, maybe that's why it's easy for me.

It's also easy because I was there, and it's the greatest atmosphere for any game I've ever experienced at Kinnick.

#1 vs. #2, the game winner on the line, THE signature victory/stamp on the Hayden Fry era over the "winningest program in college football". It validated Iowa's #1 ranking. (I won't spoil the poll thread by ranting about the OSU game that year).

Thank God for the pink locker rooms, evidently Bo didn't have enough white paper that day.

Oh, by the way, the teams lined up, there was a snap and a kick, it was a "play"!

In this poll, Tate to Holloway is a close second. The play last night was great, but those two stand a couple of steps above that play and Hartllieb's.
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I voted Houghtlin #1 only because at the time we were #1 in the country and it was vs. the #2 team in the country. Now, if things keep going well and we end up winning out and getting in the BCS title game, obviously that play will be a large reason why.

But for pure implications at the time of the play, Houghtlin's kick vs Michigan is #1 for me. That being said, McNutt's catch is a close 2nd.
JuicyAss live
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Stanzi to McNutt pass.

That play allowed Iowa to break new ground in Iowa's football program by winning 8 straight games in one season and keeping the winning streaks alive in moving the program to a higher level of excellence.
Tate to Holloway.
Last week it was Stanzi to Moaki! this week Stanzi to Mcnutt. put those together with Clayborn blocked punt at Penn state, Murrays kick last year. The list can go on for this team. By the time the season is over, there could easly be a biggest play in each game.
But Tate to Holloway has to be number one, Because what it meant to the team and program. Remember we had NO running backs! .Every defense trys to make you one dimensional as a key to winning the game. We entered into each game one dimensional! That play helped define the team, season and program to the rest of the country. We are the Hawkeyes, we have heart, determination and we came to play every down!
This doesn't take away from any other big play. I remember those, but they were on teams that didn't have to overcome the adversity of the 2004 team, making the Tate-Holloway play the more improbable of them all.
I picked the Houghtlin FG #1 vs. #2, because that was the game that put Iowa on the national radar for years to come. Hayden Fry vs. Bo Schembechler, first time Iowa had beaten Michigan for decades, and the game that set the stage for things to come at Iowa.

My #2 choice would be the Tate to Holloway connection, "The Catch", Cap 1 Bowl vs. LSU.

Tonight's last second game winner would be #3.

For the record, I'm 51, life long Hawk fan, endured 19 consecutive losing seasons before the arrival of Hayden Fry, and now Kirk Ferentz, and am thrilled with the state of, and where the program is heading under Kirk's steady leadership. GO HAWKS!!!!
I put Tate to Holloway because it beat a tough SEC program. The Hawks have done pretty good against the supposed best conference.
I still think it's Houghtlin's FG to beat Michigan. #1 and #2 in the nation and it was one heck of a football game in front of a national audience.
I voted Houghtlin's FG as I was a wide eyed freshman sitting in the north end zone. Stanzi to McNutt is a close 2nd.
Iowa vs. Michigan

Number one in the country vs. number two.
The GAME on TV, before the day of 20 games on tv in one day.
One of very few 1 vs 2 ever.
In Iowa City.

However, if Iowa runs the table last night's play might end up more important.
I think you should also have to state your age before you answer.


I'd say this:

The Kick is #1.
It was #1 vs #2, it was Hayden vs Bo, it was Brent Musberger, it was in Kinnick, and with the power of hindsight, we know what a huge, huge victory that turned out to be and what it meant for the program over all. That was the defining moment of the defining season for Iowa Football. Tonight was amazing, but not... unprecedented. Not program-defining (yet?). I'd put tonight at #3. It might move to #2 by season's end though.
Really, if you include a play from a season in-progress, that play shoudl pretty much automatically be 3rd, as we don't have the benefit of hindsight to put said play into context with anything other than other great plays from that same season in-progress.
Yep, well said.
I had a hard time choosing between the Michigan Kick (I was the drunk guy on the field after, you all probably saw me I looked like like all the other drunk guys on the field.) and the Hartlieb to Cook completion. I chose Hartlieb to Cook. I was on the road and listening to Zabel on the radio. I didn't know exactly what happened till I saw the replay, but I knew Iowa won, or Zabel had just won free scotch for life. I picked Harltleib to Cook. But I'm hold, (46).

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