Virginia Coach kicks player off team

Got this tidbit from CBS. Interesting someone that good really not that passionate about it. Burn-out?

3. Nichols' future is up in the air

When the news broke, people immediately asked, "What's next for Nichols?" The answer is unclear. But after speaking to sources Friday night I'll be shocked if he ever plays another minute of college basketball and unsurprised if he never plays basketball again at any level. Truth is, whether Nichols actually enjoys playing has long been questioned by coaches who have worked with him and folks who know him well. He seems to be somebody who has played more because he's tall and good than because he's passionate about the sport. So a part of him probably feels unburdened by this development. Because no matter what, Austin Nichols won't be playing basketball any time soon, and that might be OK with Austin Nichols.
I remember his freshman year at Memphis he looked like he was going to go on to be a stud. I can't remember why he left but he had a falling out with their coach of some sort. Seemed like a head case. But heck of a talent. He could have went about anywhere and I think there was some shaddy funny business going on with his recruitment.. Big shocker there....
I always got that impression from Adam Woodbury. When you're tall and pretty good you do it because people expect them to do it. When you don't develop over the years I think it's a lack of passion. I was a pretty good basketball player in high school and I could hang with most of the guys we played but I liked playing. I didn't have the passion to work at it. Now I have a passion for THE IOWA HAWKEYES!!

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