Vintage Hawkeye Board Game Still in Wrapping


Well-Known Member
I have this vintage Hawkeye Football Board Game. It is still in the plastic . It says it was made by the Playwrite Company in Des Moines. I have looked all over the web and don't see one anywhere and haven't been able to find any information or history on this company that made it.
In the bottom right hand corner it says "First Issue Colectors Edition Free Hawkeye Button Included" . Judging by the classic Flying Hawkeye Logo on the front and appearance of game I'd guess this to be early 80s at least?
I am posting this for two reasons:
First, if anyone has any information on this game or company that made it feel free to let me know.
Second, I really don't need it and am willing to listen to offers for it. For Hawkeye Collectors I'm guessing this may be pretty rare and a nice piece for your collection. If anyone wants more pictures holler too. I've had a friend tell me he thinks he saw one once on ebay and it went for over $100. I can't vouch for that because I haven't seen anything on it but that means its probably rare too perhaps.



  • Back of Game.jpg
    Back of Game.jpg
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  • Front of Game.jpg
    Front of Game.jpg
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Had a couple people message me. I have replied but I don't see it in my "sent" messages folder. Not sure if this is normal, want to make sure its working. If you were interested in this and didn't get my reply let me know. If the reply did go through then just holler at me if interested.
That almost sounds like a drinking game. Is the winner the one who gets the most, or the least, drunj?
Bumping this. I know its old but I'm remodeling and have a few things I need to disperse of. Have not seen this game anywhere else, pretty rare if you ask me or it'd be on the web somewhere I'd think. Asking $25, message me.
I also have some 1981 Metal (Aluminum), full size, Collectors edition copies of the Cedar Rapids Gazette Rose Bowl Pages, 2 different front pages if anyone is interested in those.
Wonder how long before Politics board comes back.
This place would probably have a lot more visitors participating if the Politics board were around. I guess the days of teh Boat and Thunder and many others arguing over Republican vs Democrats on this board have long past and are not destined to return.

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