Vikings Sports Slams Ballard, Hawks

The "underachiever with character issues" is Reusse.

If you mean that describes Reusse, I'd have to agree. Except that I think he's overachieved to be writing for a major city newspaper.

The guy knows very little about college athletics. Going into the Insight Bowl he said we'd lose because we didn't have a Quarterback. What a moron. The sports world (and the world in general if you've heard some of the idotic things he says on the radio) passed him by about 4-5 years ago.

The guy has got to be bitter. The Vikes have never won a SuperBowl and the rodents haven't been relevant to the conference title since 1967. Minnesota is a toilet where they can't build a decent bridge or a roof on a stadium that will stay up.

Having lived up here a number of years, I have to agree. The Minnesota sports scene is peppered with bitter, cynics. A lot of guys who just aren't happy about life...and it shows. Clinical insecurity played out through the constant put downs of Wisconsin, Iowa...whoever isn't "one of us". It's pathological...and oh so predictable.
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The guy has got to be bitter. The Vikes have never won a SuperBowl and the rodents haven't been relevant to the conference title since 1967. Minnesota is a toilet where they can't build a decent bridge or a roof on a stadium that will stay up.

Big lol!

But give MN *some* credit....they can charter NFL party boats with the best of them!
Minnesota Vikings boat party scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...and speaking of toilets...they do make pretty good party bathroom stalls too..... ....why if it wasn't for those stalls...those "decent" Iowa folk would have kept their bloomers on!

As far as the writer is concerned, need to cut him some too would be perpetually crotchety if you had to live indoors ducking snowflakes 9.5 months/year.
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Big lol!

But give MN *some* credit....they can charter NFL party boats with the best of them!
Minnesota Vikings boat party scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...and speaking of toilets...they do make pretty good party bathroom stalls too.....
Iowa Fans Cited for Having Sex in Metrodome Bathroom | KCRG-TV9 | Cedar Rapids, Iowa News, Sports, and Weather | Local News ....why if it wasn't for those stalls...those "decent" Iowa folk would have kept their bloomers on!

As far as the writer is concerned, need to cut him some too would be perpetually crotchety if you had to live indoors ducking snowflakes 9.5 months/year.

No sh**! I'm living it! The temp finally got to 41 around 5pm today starting out at 32. At least the grass is green now. Last week I came across two melting snow piles!

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