Video: 2015 target Eric Davis

If Iowa could pull of getting this kid, it would be a coup. I did see an article stating he and Marble talk and that he admires how Marble plays and sees himself as that type of player, versatile.

The thing is, this kid will be far better than Marble and I believe he is ranked in the Top 40 on Rivals, if he plays anywhere close to me this Winter, I am going to go watch him.

His game does have some similarities to RDM. They both like that floater in the lane and continuing to look for the pass. If the vid is any indication, Eric emphasizes his outside game more than RDM. I'd like to see a vid that has more highlights of his explosiveness.
Honestly tho..I have no clue but based on the looks of his skill set I'm guessing we will have to beat out some top schools for him. Fran seems to be getting mostly under the radar guys so far at Iowa. This year could open some top tier recruits eyes to Iowa if we have a strong showing in the Big Ten and in the NCAA Tourney. Next year is far away.
Honestly tho..I have no clue but based on the looks of his skill set I'm guessing we will have to beat out some top schools for him. Fran seems to be getting mostly under the radar guys so far at Iowa. This year could open some top tier recruits eyes to Iowa if we have a strong showing in the Big Ten and in the NCAA Tourney. Next year is far away.
I agree .. .. the results this year and next will go a LOOOOOOOOOONG way to making Iowa relevant on a regular basis.

He's got about a dozen HM offers including MSU, OSU, & Illinois in the Big 10 alone. Iowa and ISU have both offered but I'd bet many dollars against both of them in this one.
ESPN has him ranked as #26. He would be a great pickup for Fran, but I have a feeling it won't happen. If the Hawks can go decently far in B10 tourney and NCAAs then maybe, but I still doubt it.
He looks like he is just a scorer. Not the greatest handle, or passer, but he sure can put the ball in the hoop. Then again that was from one highlight video of an open gym, he may show more of his skillset in AAU ball.
Just too highly rated for Iowa to seriously compete for, unfortunately. Iowa needs to target Morrow and Toye type of guys....around 100-125 range in the top 150...get on them now and get early commits. They are underrated.