Vicky's tears


Here we go. You would have thought she had learned that playing the victim doesn't work for her. But nope, now Vicky is crying about boys pushing her around again.

What's worse is that some people are listening.

However, when they look at the numbers they will see that she gets more calls than the average QB. 2.7 to 2.2. And also that on the one play in question, the ref quickly indicated that he saw the hit and it was shoulder to shoulder, which the tape shows.

Also, the problem wasn't the hit, but Vicky didn't want to fall on her bottom, so she put her hand down to brace her fall.

Lastly, the issue is that Vicky is just not big enough to play with the boys. If she was a normal sized QB, she would have just took a couple of steps back after that hit instead of tumbling backwards and falling over.
I was sad to hear that he broke his left hand. And by sad I mean I laughed. I only wish that instead of his right hand, it was his left hand. And by left hand I mean skull.
There is no question that he takes more hits than other QB's without getting penalties. It's not even up for debate if you watch the games. I don't have Vick in fantasy and don't really like him so I could care less, but if Brady, Rodgers, Manning, etc got hit like Vick there would be a penalty near every play.

Did anyone see the roughing the QB call against the Jets yesterday? Worst call in the history of the NFL
There is no question that he takes more hits than other QB's without getting penalties. It's not even up for debate if you watch the games. I don't have Vick in fantasy and don't really like him so I could care less, but if Brady, Rodgers, Manning, etc got hit like Vick there would be a penalty near every play.

Did anyone see the roughing the QB call against the Jets yesterday? Worst call in the history of the NFL

Vick gets hit alot for two reasons only:

1. One, he doesn't have the pocket awareness of a Brady, Rodgers or Manning.

2. He scrambles a heck of alot more.

Vick could control some of these hits and or injuries if he would play smarter. Not sure he can though???
Vick gets hit alot for two reasons only:

1. One, he doesn't have the pocket awareness of a Brady, Rodgers or Manning.

2. He scrambles a heck of alot more.

Vick could control some of these hits and or injuries if he would play smarter. Not sure he can though???

No doubt he gets hit more than those guys b/c of the reasons you stated. Still doesn't mean that there aren't time that there should be flags for how he is hit. You think Brady would be allowed to be hit like that? You can't touch Brady without getting a penalty. Or even Rivers. See this

[ame=]Andre Carter hit on Philip Rivers 9.18.2011 - Roughing the passer? - YouTube[/ame]
No doubt he gets hit more than those guys b/c of the reasons you stated. Still doesn't mean that there aren't time that there should be flags for how he is hit. You think Brady would be allowed to be hit like that? You can't touch Brady without getting a penalty. Or even Rivers.

There are absolutely times when a flag could be thrown when its not...refs dont see everything, but its not just Vick. Aaron Rodgers took a ton of helmet to helmet hit last year and in 2009 that werent called. Michael is just frustrated because his O-Line is TERRRIBLE, and is getting him killed. He cant call them out in a presser, so he finds something else.

[ame=]Aaron Rodgers Helmet to Helmet Contact - No Flag - YouTube[/ame]
There is no question that he takes more hits than other QB's without getting penalties. It's not even up for debate if you watch the games. I don't have Vick in fantasy and don't really like him so I could care less, but if Brady, Rodgers, Manning, etc got hit like Vick there would be a penalty near every play.

Did anyone see the roughing the QB call against the Jets yesterday? Worst call in the history of the NFL

Yup very TRUE....

Problem is that refs have their head up their @$$es and look at him as RB.
He lowers his head and leads with it in that video. That's a penalty in the League.

Bull. That's a terrible call. I was happy they called it as i hate the Pats and wanted the Chargers but it's still terrible.

Take that and go look at some of the shots Vick has taken with no penalties.
Bull. That's a terrible call. I was happy they called it as i hate the Pats and wanted the Chargers but it's still terrible.

Take that and go look at some of the shots Vick has taken with no penalties.

I wasn't saying anything except that is a legitimate penalty in the League since they changed the rules. The crown of his helmet leads into the QB. Not saying I like it, but its a rule. And it was called correctly.
There is no question that he takes more hits than other QB's without getting penalties. It's not even up for debate if you watch the games. I don't have Vick in fantasy and don't really like him so I could care less, but if Brady, Rodgers, Manning, etc got hit like Vick there would be a penalty near every play.

Did anyone see the roughing the QB call against the Jets yesterday? Worst call in the history of the NFL

The problem is that this is not what the numbers say. People can talk all about what they perceive, but the numbers don't lie. Vick gets more calls than the NFL average.

If he is saying he doesn't get the same calls that the top QBs get, he might be right. But last time I checked, he wasn't a top QB. He is middle of the pack (16), which means that he should get the calls of a middle of the pack QB. He actually gets the calls of a guy much higher rated than that.
The problem is that this is not what the numbers say. People can talk all about what they perceive, but the numbers don't lie. Vick gets more calls than the NFL average.

If he is saying he doesn't get the same calls that the top QBs get, he might be right. But last time I checked, he wasn't a top QB. He is middle of the pack (16), which means that he should get the calls of a middle of the pack QB. He actually gets the calls of a guy much higher rated than that.

Name 16 QB's in the NFL better than Mike Vick right now. I can't name 10

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