Viagra Commercial

If anything, those commercials expose kids to sex in a realistic and responsible way. I mean when you stop treating sex like a part of life, and start treating it as something forbidden or shameful, you get a skewed view of it.

I know you guys love my stories from the farm, so I'll spare the details, but guess how I learned about sex? And that was before I learned to tie my freakin shoes.

Also, Lady Gaga rules.

Didn't the goat's hooves hurt your back ? Couldn't resist asking.
Wow! Your kids are either very young, or home-schooled, cuz if you think they won't be exposed to music outside the home that you don't like you are kidding yourself. I'm sure their friends will be glad to expose them to any music out there.

i agree with 528646. I have 4 kids aged 1 to 10. The only 'lady gaga' they've been exposed to is 'coker pace'........not home schooled, but we do parent.
Wow! Your kids are either very young, or home-schooled, cuz if you think they won't be exposed to music outside the home that you don't like you are kidding yourself. I'm sure their friends will be glad to expose them to any music out there.
Or the cheerleaders or dance teams last routine at the pep rally? Hip thrusts that would make a stripper proud
I concur with your doctor friend.

Frankly, the ads themselves are just simply embarrassing (children or not). They're just plain stupid. Why anyone would take "supplements" like this, given the risks and very little tangible benefit, is beyond me. It's really all a marketing ploy by the big pharmaceuticals, and unfortunately there are far too many men vain enough who are willing to fork over money to them.
I am not in that target audience yet but I am now worried that if I do have to resort to these pills .. not only could I have a flag pole in my shorts for four hours, but I could also become dizzy and experience cloudy vision ... possible loss of appetite, itchy skin ....
I concur with your doctor friend.

Frankly, the ads themselves are just simply embarrassing (children or not). They're just plain stupid. Why anyone would take "supplements" like this, given the risks and very little tangible benefit, is beyond me. It's really all a marketing ploy by the big pharmaceuticals, and unfortunately there are far too many men vain enough who are willing to fork over money to them.

The adds are stupid; I'll agree with ya there. God i hate the double bathtub one! My doctor friends comment was correct though...meaning if you're taking this stuff and have an erection that lasts more than four hours, you best be getting to an emergency room.:eek:
These are prescription meds, not supplements, and they can have some bad side affects, especially for those with a history of heart disease....which is probably why they have ED in the first place. ED can be the first indicator of a problem. I don't think men are vain for taking them, as that aspect of their life is very important to them and their partners.
I referred to them as supplements (knowing full well they require a prescription) because they are not necessary for the patient's physical health.

ED is not something that is physically harmful to a patient. Yes, it can be a sign of something else (usually cardiovascular), but the condition itself is not damaging.

I think my biggest issue with Viagra and other crap like that is the amount of research and resources used to come up with these medications when there are far better uses of the R & D $$.
I referred to them as supplements (knowing full well they require a prescription) because they are not necessary for the patient's physical health.

ED is not something that is physically harmful to a patient. Yes, it can be a sign of something else (usually cardiovascular), but the condition itself is not damaging.

I think my biggest issue with Viagra and other crap like that is the amount of research and resources used to come up with these medications when there are far better uses of the R & D $$.

That my friend is the side effect of having a capitalist health care system. I'm not saying it's necessarily wrong, nor am I saying that there aren't GOOD side effects of the same. I'm just saying when there is money to be made on the condition of human suffering research money flows to what can generate the most money not necessarily what most benefits man kind.
This wasn't necessarily a waste of study resources. In the case of Viagra, it was actually designed to treat pulmonary hypertension and other heart conditions. The other effects it has by dilating arteries were discovered on accident during the initial studies. The other medications for ED were created to capture a part of this market by other companies.
As a dad with 3 little kids, I wince during commercials while watching sports on TV. My children deserve to have their innocence protected. I can't protect other kids, but I can protect my own (from music, bad influences from friends, TV shows). My children think those disgusting commercials are related to going to the bathroom.

Shame on the advertisers who totally forget about young families while airing this stuff.
As a dad with 3 little kids, I wince during commercials while watching sports on TV. My children deserve to have their innocence protected. I can't protect other kids, but I can protect my own (from music, bad influences from friends, TV shows). My children think those disgusting commercials are related to going to the bathroom.

Shame on the advertisers who totally forget about young families while airing this stuff.

Then choose to turn the TV off. There's nothing with that.
As a dad with 3 little kids, I wince during commercials while watching sports on TV. My children deserve to have their innocence protected. I can't protect other kids, but I can protect my own (from music, bad influences from friends, TV shows). My children think those disgusting commercials are related to going to the bathroom.

Shame on the advertisers who totally forget about young families while airing this stuff.

The vast majority of the audience are more than old enough to handle those ads. They sure as heck didn't screw me up. They're dumb commercials, and I recognized and ridiculed them as such.

If you're kids are too young for that, then send them away during the commercials, or feed them the malarkey about how it's related to going to the bathroom (if they're not old enough to handle/ridicule those ads, they're probably young enough to buy the white lie).
As a dad with 3 little kids, I wince during commercials while watching sports on TV. My children deserve to have their innocence protected. I can't protect other kids, but I can protect my own (from music, bad influences from friends, TV shows). My children think those disgusting commercials are related to going to the bathroom.

Shame on the advertisers who totally forget about young families while airing this stuff.

I've found that having a fairly honest and respectful atmosphere when discussing sexuality and relationships is helpful. My kids are now 14 (twins).

One cannot protect kids from what they will see, hear, and experience at school. Nor can one fully protect them from what's on TV (Viagra ads are the least of your concern, dude). Nor can one completely protect them from print ads. Nor can one protect them from seeing how people act in public these days, or what they wear. My point is that if a freakin Viagra commercial freaks you out, then you'll probably miss a bigger picture somehwere else. Just my opinion.

My parents tried like hell to protect me from things (very religious, etc). They failed.

edit: I'm not saying that 6 year olds should be watching Viagra commercials, but I doubt they would be harmful to the kids. Blatant sexuality and violence on TV would probably be something to be a little more worried about.
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