Velvet Rope Forum


Well-Known Member
OK. What's the scoop? Us, the proletariat, want to know what it's like on the other side. Champagne? Caviar? Salacious details about Kirk Ferentz's sweatshirt selection process? How many reside in the tony suburb of the pay forum? So many questions, so few answers. . . .
It's the offseason, probably not much news to report on right now but I am sure it will pick up closer to football season.
Even if it's only a couple bucks a month, I struggle to justify to spend it. I get most of the news on twitter anyways and the trolling hasn't ever been much of a concern to me. There are certain posters I just know I don't care to read their stuff and if I ever wanted to I could always block them although I never have blocked anyone.
According to the latest podcast only civilized high brow debate happens over there. They leave us savages out here where they think we engage in thou unholiest of discussions. From what I gather from some of those who are on the inside, it's as exciting and salacious as People magazine!
I sent the guys a pm saying that if I start gathering up cans now, I will have the three bucks by the time football season rolls around and I can see how good it is when everyone is happy about the new season and optimistic before the first loss.