USC - drunk coach - F bomb

Lol, they probably pulled his drunk Azz off stage before he publicly thanked the big donors for donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to players and their family.
These college football coaches all across the country work like 12 hour days all year long. The guy needed to get his drink on, probably the only time he had that day to do so. I wonder what Kirk is like after a few cocktails?
These college football coaches all across the country work like 12 hour days all year long. The guy needed to get his drink on, probably the only time he had that day to do so. I wonder what Kirk is like after a few cocktails?

Kirfer prefers to unwind with a scoop of Cherry Garcia from Ben & Jerry's.
Someone like a HC needs to be held to a higher standard of behavior. No excuse to appear in public three sheets to the wind. None at all.
If this story would have been about KF, this site would have exploded with demands for his resignation. And, rightfully so. But, it was not and never would be about KF. Deal with it.
That was one well lubricated Trojan!
Dude you win.. It comes down to what type of person do you want representing your program? USC is in a way walking on eggshells here cause if they dump him over it then the liberal bleeding hearts will say ohh he's got a problem/disease they should help him not fire him.... I say either way is fine. If you want to keep him then that's fine but they get to be labeled as having a drunk coach. But if the boosters (and USC has some big ones with deep pockets) decide no then hard to blame them for that either. And if the school keeps him against the big boosters wishes which is what it looks like then we'll see if hey keep their wallets closed or not...

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