Urban Meyer mad

As if I needed another reason to dislike Urban Meyer, then I read this little dandy:

Meyer, who has won two national championships in his six seasons at Florida, bristled at the thought he's running a "dirty program."
"I don't care,"he said, when asked if he was concerned the program was being perceived that way. "We do our best to win games. Dirty program? It's not a dirty program. We follow the rules and some guys make mistakes and we've got to correct those mistakes.
Meyer is not mad at his players, but the media for finally noticing Florida's problems. Just look back to earlier this year with his "retirement" and his treatment of one of the local members of the media.
Meyer is not mad at his players, but the media for finally noticing Florida's problems. Just look back to earlier this year with his "retirement" and his treatment of one of the local members of the media.

Yeah the smoke screen Tim Tebow is gone, things can become a little more clear.
Urban Meyer is a turd. And a fake one at that.

I really, really hope Florida has a nice downward slide for awhile.
...it marked the 30th arrest -- involving 27 players --...

Who didn't learn the first time?