Until Fran understands proper substitutions...

This comment should be archived and brought out in a couple of years to check validity. My suspicion is that is the problem with a number of the players. Not all, but a number.

Your suspicion isn't surprising to me since you are an idiot.
So, the answer is, someplace between, and including, no substitutions and a lot of substitutions. No substitutions because that is what worked for Nebraska on Saturday, February 23 in the second half of one Big Ten game they played this year, and a lot of substitutions because that is what worked for Iowa on Saturday, February 23 in the first half. How about this? How about whoever is in there playing better defense, stop being pushed around like a bunch of wimps, and whoever is in there shoot (and make) the freakin' ball on offense? Because the last I saw, no one who played in the second half did either. Then, maybe we don't have to try to dissect with a scalpel the substitution patterns of the team.
For the record the 2nd half collapse wasnt' abot Zach and being on the floor for defensive purposes, the team scored 19 points in the second half??
For the record the 2nd half collapse wasnt' abot Zach and being on the floor for defensive purposes, the team scored 19 points in the second half??

Although McCabe has not contributed anywhere near last year...I agree total team collapse, that said he should not be on the floor in any critical situation. He came in for Olaseni at Purdue and they drove his way...no contest and in no position to take a charge. It is pattern that will never end.
..and proper use of timeouts, we will continue to see more results like this.

He just doesnt seem to grasp that he doesnt need to continue to play 10 guys....this late into the season. He!!, Nebby didnt substitute a single time in the 2nd half and they didnt seem to have an issue with fatigue. And you cant take TOs home with you, so you might want to consider using them at some point. Coaching decisions lost us this game, plain and simple.

Yeah, but you gotta hand it to the guy. He's tricked universities into thinking he could be a head coach and getting a paycheck to do so for seventeen years. Of course, your credentials are better no doubt.
I'd love to hear the solution if Woody's not ready and that's why we struggle. People rip on Fran for playing Olaseni too much, and we've seen what happens defensively with Basabe or McCabe at the 5. Seriously, wtf is Fran supposed to do in that situation?

You cannot lump Basabe and McCabe together on defense at the 5.

Basabe is decent.

McCabe on the other hand is incapable of playing the position on D and is one glaring mistake this coach continues to make at the end of games, one that is not helping the teams chances of winning at the end.
I do not get what Fran is trying to do with our true post players who i think have been playing well most of the season (no worse than others on this team). McCabe,Basabe and White are not posts and get chewed up at that spot.

No. You can't lump the three together on how they play D at the 5.

Basabe is not ideal but is mostly fine, White is below average but can pull it off occasionally and McCabe at 6'6 short arms and no hops is just physically incapable of defending that spot.
Fran has no idea what he's doing. I'm glad Gesell was a huge Hawk fan or we never would have landed him. It's a good thing North Carolina didn't come calling or we never would have gotten Woodbury.

I'm confused. What has our record been years 1, 2 and 3 under Fran? Have we improved at all? Is it actually possible for us to finish 9-9 in the toughest conference in America? Heck, the Big Ten season is more or less an extended NCAA tournament. There are currently 7 teams that could easily be justified as 6 seeds or better.

If only Fran could somehow prove on paper than he knows what he's doing. I wish he had some history of improving teams year by year and then getting them in the tournament. Oh well! I guess we'll just have to cross our fingers and hope he reads a book on coaching or spends some time on these boards to get the input he's not getting from that bunch of guys he calls assistant coaches.

Player rotation, number of minutes, timeouts... He has to get a handle on this stuff!
Fran has no idea what he's doing. I'm glad Gesell was a huge Hawk fan or we never would have landed him. It's a good thing North Carolina didn't come calling or we never would have gotten Woodbury.

I'm confused. What has our record been years 1, 2 and 3 under Fran? Have we improved at all? Is it actually possible for us to finish 9-9 in the toughest conference in America? Heck, the Big Ten season is more or less an extended NCAA tournament. There are currently 7 teams that could easily be justified as 6 seeds or better.

If only Fran could somehow prove on paper than he knows what he's doing. I wish he had some history of improving teams year by year and then getting them in the tournament. Oh well! I guess we'll just have to cross our fingers and hope he reads a book on coaching or spends some time on these boards to get the input he's not getting from that bunch of guys he calls assistant coaches.

Player rotation, number of minutes, timeouts... He has to get a handle on this stuff!
I get it,that was sarcasm. Welcome back Herby.

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