UNO Kaufman Brand Open 11/20


clark, ramos and moore going to compete for 133 spot

2009 Kaufman-Brand Open Finals Matches (Elite Division)
125 pounds – Andrew Long (ISU) major dec. JJ Krutsinger (IA), 14-6
133 pounds – Kyle Hutter (OD-Unatt.) dec. Tyler Clark (IA-Unatt.), 6-3
141 pounds – Montell Marion (IA-Unatt.) dec. Mario Morgan (UNO-Unatt.), 7-2
149 pounds – Chris Hacker (UNL) dec. Jason Pyle (IND), 8-4
157 pounds – Matt Ballweg (IA) dec. Andrew Sorenson (ISU), 7-2
165 pounds – Chris Brown (OD-Unatt.) dec. Tyler Koehn (UNL), 4-0
174 pounds – Kamarudeen Usman (UNK-Unatt.) dec. Tyler French (AFA), 5-3
184 pounds – Sonny Yohn (U of M) pinned Vinnie Wagner (IA-Unatt.), 3:46
197 pounds – Tyler Sorenson (SDSU) dec. Jacob Marrs (UNO), 10-9
HWT – Tucker Lane (UNL) dec. Blake Rasing (IA), 3-2

2009 Kaufman-Brand Open Finals Matches (Amateur Division)
125 pounds – Joe Colon (ICCC) dec. Eric Dunnet (OD-Unatt.), 3-0
133 pounds – CJ Napier (UNL) dec. David Thorn (U of M-Unatt.), 3-2
141 pounds – David Walraven (SDSU) dec. Bart Reiter (U of M-Unatt.), 3-2
149 pounds –John Nicholson (OD-Unatt.) dec. Destin McCauley (IND), 4-2
157 pounds – Chase Nelson (LCC) dec. Joey Sheridan (OD-Unatt.), 7-2
165 pounds – Jake Waste (IND) dec. Matt Gille (UWP), 3-2
174 pounds – Kevin Steinhaus (U of M-Unatt.) dec. Caleb Kolb (UNL-Unatt.), 4-3
184 pounds – Chad Wright (LCC) dec. Cole Shaffer (ISU-Unatt.), 3-1
197 pounds – Will Johnson (NDSU) pinned Justin McKain (UNK), 2:13
HWT – Jake Kettler (U of M) dec. Taylor Escamilla (UNO), 6-5
I haven't followed ISUck, but I find it rather amusing that Long is back on the team.
No you heard right... suddenly we are looking very thin at 133...any update on why tyler clarke had a med forfeit.
Trizzino looked like he wanted the '33 spot on Friday night.

NOT taking anything away from Triz but that wasnt D1 comp on friday, not saying he could not handle the job but the book is still out til midlands! Moore looks like the best option til the other two get healthy.
Kelly beating Moore was interesting to me. I really thought after Schwab took the UNI job that it would be in Kelly's best interest to go there so he wouldn't get burried in our Mid-weight logjam. I always liked watching Kelly in HS but never thought he would beat Nick Moore. Turns out the Iowa wrestling room has been great to Kelly, he wrestles the style. Aggressive, forward, pounding and punishing. Also, if you remember his finals match last year, he's relentless and has lungs.

The next couple years we'll put out one of the best middle on up line ups ever (Koethe?), Moore, Kelly, St. John, (R Lofthouse?), E Lofthouse, Gambrall, Evans, and Telford. Who would be the odd one out in the middle. (No wander Baldy left.)
Maybe Kelly is our next MMcD. Comes to the program with little chance of making the team and then "WOW" !! Fom what I hear, his beating of Moore was not a fluke. He has been looking great in the room.
133 - Tyler Clark (I) dec. Ben Cash (ISU), 8-3
133 - Julian Gunnels (IND) won by medical forfeit over Tyler Clark (I)
133 - Bart Reiter (MINN) pinned Nate Moore (I), 6:38
133 - Nate Moore (I) maj. dec. Evan Forde (MOOR), 15-7
133 - Nate Moore (I) pinned Jeff Ohnemus (WAL), 0:38
133 - Nate Moore (I) maj. dec. Joe Colon (ICCC-UN), 12-3
133 - Nate Moore (I) pinned Kasey Gamhart (WYO), 0:47
133 - Nate Moore (I) dec. Bart Reiter (MINN), 12-5
133 - Nate Moore (I) maj. dec. Thane Antczak (MINN), 12-4
149 - Pat Smith (MINN) dec. Stew Gillmor (I), 6-2
149 - Stew Gillmor (I) pinned Kellen Bounous (MIZZ), 1:15
149 - Andrey Patselov (NDSU) maj. dec. Stew Gillmor (I), 14-6
149 - Joshua Krelmier (AFA) maj. dec. Ethan Sebert (I), 15-2
149 - Jimmy Belleville (WYO) pinned Ethan Sebert (I), 5:31
165 - John Makabe (MANK) dec. Joe DuCharme (I), 5-2
165 - Grant Justin (CSU-P) dec. Joe DuCharme (I), 6-3
165 - Aaron Janssen (I) maj. dec. Joe All (OSU), 10-1
165 - Aaron Janssen (I) dec. Islam Abitov (UNK), 7-0
165 - Aaron Janssen (I) dec. Kyle Detmer (OU), 8-1
165 - Dallas Bailey (UN-OU) dec. Aaron Janssen (I), 8-7
165 - Aaron Janssen (I) dec. Derrick Adkins (UCO), 4-0
165 - Aaron Janssen (I) dec. Mike Moreno (UN-ISU), 7-1
184 - Clarence Neely (MIZZ) dec. Tomas Lira (I), 7-5
184 - Tomas Lira (I) pinned Jairin Potter (HC), 2:13
184 - Jesse Alter (MVC) dec. Tomas Lira (I), 7-4
184 - Vinnie Wagner (I) pinned Jeff Graber (TSU), 0:48
184 - Vinnie Wagner (I) dec. Josh Mohr (AFA), 5-1
184 - Aaron Norgren (MANK) dec. Vinnie Wagner (I), 5-1
184 - Vinnie Wagner (I) dec. Jesse Alter (MVC), 9-7 SV-1
184 - Vinnie Wagner (I) pinned Matt Riley (UN-ISU), 5:48
184 - Vinnie Wagner (I) dec. Clarence Neely (MIZZ), 6-3
184 - Kenny Moenkedick (NDSU) dec. Vinnie Wagner (I), 10-3
Hwt. - Jordan Johnson (I) dec. Joe Bach (OU), 3-1
Hwt. - Tony Nelson (MINN) dec. Jordan Johnson (I), 3-1
Hwt. - Brent Lambie (UNI) won by medical forfeit over Jordan Johnson (I)
125 - Matt Gurule (UN-I) won by default over Daniel Mendoza (LUT)
125 - Matt Gurule (UN-I) pinned Ryan Banning (TSU), 4:49
125 - Matt Gurule (UN-I) dec. Ty Fittje (LCC), 6-5
125 - DMarcus Spencer (LC) dec. Matt Gurule (UN-I), 6-4
125 - Greg Rinker (AFA) dec. Matt Gurule (UN-I), 13-6
125 - Prentice Thomas (LC) dec. Matt Gurule (UN-I) , 6-4
133 - Eric Wilson (UN-MIZZ) tech. fall Charlie Joseph (UN-I), 15-0, 6:03
133 - Tim Crocker (UNK) dec. Charlie Joseph (UN-I), 6-2
141 - Ethan Owens (UN-I) dec. Cody Singletary (ILCC), 8-1
141 - Deandrea Carter (LCC) dec. Ethan Owens (UN-I), 7-2
141 - Ethan Owens (UN-I) tech. fall Cody Sodowsky (NCCC), 15-0, 2:21
141 - Ethan Owens (UN-I) maj. dec. Tyler Anderson (UNK), 20-8
141 - Ethan Owens (UN-I) maj. dec. Ryan Pohlman (UNL), 9-0
141 - Ethan Owens (UN-I) tech. fall Tim Chavez (UNO), 15-0
141 - Ethan Owens (UN-I) maj. dec. DaMonte Riley (LC), 15-4
141 - Ethan Owens (UN-I) dec. Joey Lazor (UNI), 2-1
141 - Michael Hamel (UN-WYO) dec. Ethan Owens (UN-I), 7-0
141 - Tony Vaske (SDSU) pinned Ethan Owens (UN-I), 1:54
149 - Jake Ballweg (UN-I) dec. Dustin Scott (NCCC), 4-0
149 - Jake Ballweg (UN-I) dec. Jarell Price (BU), 8-1
149 - Jake Ballweg (UN-I) dec. Mark Marianovich (LC), 6-2
149 - Jake Ballweg (UN-I) dec. Brandon Richardson (UN-WYO), 4-1
149 - Jake Ballweg (UN-I) dec. Michael Perez (LCC), 4-2
149 - Dylan Ness (UN-MINN) pinned Jake Ballweg (UN-I), 1:54
157 - Michael Kelly (UN-I) pinned Adam Osmoe (RL), 3:49
157 - Michael Kelly (UN-I) tech. fall Justin Weaver (HC), 21-4
157 - Michael Kelly (UN-I) maj. dec. Trevor Wiest (MIZZ), 10-2
157 - Michael Kelly (UN-I) dec. Zach Legino (UNK), 12-6
157 - Michael Kelly (UN-I) dec. RaVaughn Perkins (UN-IND), 8-7 TB-3
157 - Michael Kelly (UN-I) dec. Nick Moore (UN-I), 6-4
157 - Nick Moore (UN-I) pinned Mark Roundtree (FHSU), 1:25
157 - Nick Moore (UN-I) maj. dec. Joe Cozart (UN-ISU), 12-4
157 - Nick Moore (UN-I) maj. dec. Austin Lindsay (MIZZ), 12-4
157 - Nick Moore (UN-I) dec. Drake Houdashelt (UN-MIZZ), 3-2
157 - Michael Kelly (UN-I) dec. Nick Moore (UN-I), 6-4
174 - Jeremy Fahler (UN-I) maj. dec. Blake Mallory (BU), 14-3
174 - Jeremy Fahler (UN-I) dec. Parker Owen (BU), 2-0
174 - Jeremy Fahler (UN-I) maj. dec. James Haywood (LC), 10-0
174 - Jeremy Fahler (UN-I) pinned Grant Trevor (CSU-P), 0:55
174 - Mike Evans (UN-I) maj. dec. Jeremy Fahler (UN-I), 10-0
174 - Mike Evans (UN-I) pinned Mueller Mitchel (CSU-P), 2:45
174 - Mike Evans (UN-I) pinned Isaih Williams (UN-RL), 1:56
174 - Mike Evans (UN-I) pinned Jamaal Bufford (UN-MVC), 2:16
174 - Mike Evans (UN-I) maj. dec. Mark Fiala (UNO), 9-1
174 - Mike Evans (UN-I) maj. dec. Jeremy Fahler (UN-I), 10-0 Hwt. - Bobby Telford (UN-I) pinned Jacob Nowak (BU), 2:05
Hwt. - Bobby Telford (UN-I) maj. dec. Nate Haynes (MANK), 13-0
Hwt. - Devin Mellon (UN-MIZZ) won by disqualification over Bobby Telford (UN-I)
Hwt. - Matt Wyss (ILCC) won by disqualification over Bobby Telford (UN-I)

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