
The grey or is it gray color is the color used on ships and planes - so I get it now.

From row 40, 103 (as always) the uni'$ remind me of 'that guy' who tries so hard to be "cool" but fails so hard.
I don't think war and killing should ever be glorified. Sorry if that angers y'all.
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I love it when war and killing is glorified. Go Hawks!!

NOW may everyone GET IT!! Scorpy is taking the highest road, What Would Jesus Do? WWJD.

I support Scorpio79 100 percent in his stand against the so-called patriots and there so-called sentimentalism and aren't willing to face the reality and horrors of war.

Quiz for all of you. Who said there is never a GOOD war or a BAD peace. C'mon anyone?
So a foreign invader was coming for my interwebz and you and your oath repelled them from my doorstep??
oh, and ******** is one word, and you don't capitalize the d, tavern hokk
wake up and smell the troll, bubba

when you feed him, he rolls you

get it yet?
Notice your **** yea I wrote it like that so everyone could see the effect. I could've call you a ********** or a piece of ****, but it wouldn't have the same feel. So you can go **** yourself.
Notice your **** yea I wrote it like that so everyone could see the effect. I could've call you a ********** or a piece of ****, but it wouldn't have the same feel. So you can go **** yourself.

u mad
wake up and smell the troll, bubba

when you feed him, he rolls you

get it yet?

Thank you SO much for admitting that! So much easier to provide Jon Miller with proof of your board violations.

You trolls are so predictable. You just cant help yourself.
you should go out and shoot cans in the back yard, to blow off some steam