The bland uniforms are a reflection of Ferentz's bland personality and the bland offense he runs.
Shoot, I'm surprised the ugly boring unis aren't sponsored by Wrigley's.
The bland uniforms are a reflection of Ferentz's bland personality and the bland offense he runs.
I love it when war and killing is glorified. Go Hawks!!
John, please drop a ban hammer on Scorpio. That's just terrible on Veteran's weekend.
Baa baa baa
Y U sheep all mad tho??
Because I took an oath to protect this country so Dick heads like you can talk tough on an internet message board
So a foreign invader was coming for my interwebz and you and your oath repelled them from my doorstep??
Notice your **** yea I wrote it like that so everyone could see the effect. I could've call you a ********** or a piece of ****, but it wouldn't have the same feel. So you can go **** yourself.
wake up and smell the troll, bubba
when you feed him, he rolls you
get it yet?