Unbiased view on Iowa 2015 edition!

Who says you have to disparage someone to be a troll? Why am I butt hurt for calling you a troll?

You started posting here a day ago, have racked up nearly 50 posts, but yeah, I'm sure you are just here cause you love you some Hawks.....

You just seem to hate anyone with an opposing view and I feel you are doing it based on the fact I am a Nebraska fan.

I have stated many times why I joined this forum. And the connotation of a troll is someone who is blasting your team, being an ***, trying to disparage.
This guy's rambling posts are annoying and they are all the same. Where's Hawknick when you need him? Man that guy truly had some insight.

There is this amazing thing called Free Will, maybe you've heard of it? If you don't like what I post or get mad because your retorts are broken down to prove you wrong then Don't read them! Shocking I know.

I have had fantastic engagements and discussions with many people on here and that's why I like this forum, What's the problem?? I would understand if I was on here talking trash, bashing Iowa, Bashing people from Iowa, making personal attacks, but alas I have done nothing of the sort. So I will continue to engage in discussions with the rest of the wonderful people on here while you and your best friend continue to fester with hate!

Have A great Day to you sir!
Thread title is a misnomer. How can you be unbiased as a Little Nebby fan? You can be disengaged, disinterested, or even disassociated but unbiased? Not bloody likely. I appreciate an outsiders view but don't tell me it is unbiased. You may not care but your "Big Red"-tinted glasses cannot give you an unbiased view.
You just seem to hate anyone with an opposing view and I feel you are doing it based on the fact I am a Nebraska fan.

I have stated many times why I joined this forum. And the connotation of a troll is someone who is blasting your team, being an ***, trying to disparage.

I don't care if someone doesn't agree with me. Ask any of the long time poster on here, I've had differing opinions with all of them at times.

I think you are a troll because you come on here, posted a backhanded complement, and then you start blasting away at anyone who disagrees with you. Another dead giveaway is you have posted what 50 time in 2 days? Who does that if they are just coming to a rivals site to "complement" them as you say?

The thing is all you have done is made people more skeptical. At first I tried to engage with you, and you just start blasting away if people see it differently than you call out 365 LBS unicorns??? Odd is the best way to describe what you are doing, but trolling is probably the most accurate way to describe what you are doing.

Don't get me wrong, get your troll on, it seems like you enjoy it. It is "just my opinion" that you are trolling, and as you said, there is no "tangible" way to disprove my opinion.
There is this amazing thing called Free Will, maybe you've heard of it? If you don't like what I post or get mad because your retorts are broken down to prove you wrong then Don't read them! Shocking I know.

I have had fantastic engagements and discussions with many people on here and that's why I like this forum, What's the problem?? I would understand if I was on here talking trash, bashing Iowa, Bashing people from Iowa, making personal attacks, but alas I have done nothing of the sort. So I will continue to engage in discussions with the rest of the wonderful people on here while you and your best friend continue to fester with hate!

Have A great Day to you sir!

Maybe think about it this way. As Husker fans (and the same thing goes for fans of any other team), we are essentially guests in their house and uninvited ones at that. Now, perhaps you aren't coming in and dropping your pants and taking a dump in the middle of their living room, but maybe you left your shoes on or are putting your feet up on their favorite coffee table. Just recognize that every post will be viewed with skepticism because a) they don't know you and b) the prevailing assumption is that you are eventually going to take that dump. If someone thinks you are a troll, then in their eyes you are, no sense arguing it, unless maybe that's what you are looking for. I'm sure I'm a troll in many of their eyes as well, which is why I think about it this way before I post.... Just my $0.02
I'd say the 2002 team was the best, woulda went undefeated but then Seneca Wallace stepped in, and we all know what happened after that.

I would at least say that 2002's team is better than 2015. Yes, except for Fred Russell getting dinged late in the first half and Brad Banks hurting his thumb they have a 99.7% probability of beating ISU and seneca and going 12-0. That team put a huge beatdown on a pretty good Mich team at the big house. They had to scratch and claw to beat Purdue but Tiller's teams had great defenses.

I would say this year's team might have all 22 positions playing together about as good as any KF team. The Off line is fun to watch on replays. Dee Line and Lnbkrs control gaps and move very good most times.

Just think how much better King and Mabin would be with Drew Ott getting quick pressure or demanding a double team and letting Meier and Jaleel have single blockers on them.
Thread title is a misnomer. How can you be unbiased as a Little Nebby fan? You can be disengaged, disinterested, or even disassociated but unbiased? Not bloody likely. I appreciate an outsiders view but don't tell me it is unbiased. You may not care but your "Big Red"-tinted glasses cannot give you an unbiased view.

I can see what you mean an maybe Outsiders view works better. I feel like I showed no bias in my statement though
I don't care if someone doesn't agree with me. Ask any of the long time poster on here, I've had differing opinions with all of them at times.

I think you are a troll because you come on here, posted a backhanded complement, and then you start blasting away at anyone who disagrees with you. Another dead giveaway is you have posted what 50 time in 2 days? Who does that if they are just coming to a rivals site to "complement" them as you say?

The thing is all you have done is made people more skeptical. At first I tried to engage with you, and you just start blasting away if people see it differently than you call out 365 LBS unicorns??? Odd is the best way to describe what you are doing, but trolling is probably the most accurate way to describe what you are doing.

Don't get me wrong, get your troll on, it seems like you enjoy it. It is "just my opinion" that you are trolling, and as you said, there is no "tangible" way to disprove my opinion.

Fine be a jerk about it! seems you have no ability to count though, This is post fifty how fitting to use it to call you out!
Please read ApexHunter's comments. I think they are spot on. No one appreciated a good troll more than me... but they have to be pretty darn good at it. Peddle your wares else where. Thanks for your patronage.
I don't think this is the most talented team. I think that the 2002, 2009 or 85 team where. This is the BEST TEAM who play the game as a team and not as individuals. When you do that, team beats individual talent.

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